Chapter 1

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I walk to school with Kate and Gina.

"Hey Girls what's up?"Peter says.

"Hey Peter."I say hugging him.

I walk to my locker and take my math book out.

I walk to class with Peter.

~At lunch~

"Rocky there you are."Someone said.

I turn around  to  see Vince.

"Oh hey Vince."I said walking to my table with Kate Gina and Peter sitting there.  

"So how about a date tonight You and me?"Vince asks.

"Sorry Vince I'm busy tonight maybe tomorrow night."I said.

I eat a sandwich.

"So have  you guys heard about the new Superhero Spider-Girl?"Kate asks.

"Oh Yeah I've heard of her."Peter said.

"Maybe she and Spider-man will become partners."I said sipping my water.

"No Spider-man works alone."Peter said.

"Sure what ever you say Peter."I said.

~After school~

I walk home.

"Mom I'm home."I yelled walking into the door.

"Okay."Mom yelled back.

I turn on the TV and see a news report.

News reporter: Dead-pool seems to be attacking the city.

I run upstairs and I jump into my costume.

   I jump out my window and swing to the location of Dead-pool

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   I jump out my window and swing to the location of Dead-pool.

"Well someone decided to Show up"Spider-man said.

"Shut it."I said.

"Why don't you two get down here and fight me."Dead-pool said taking out his Katana.

"With pleasure."I said swinging down and beating the living crap out of Dead-pool.

"Okay that's enough Spider-Girl."Spider-man said.     

"Yeah well I gotta go anyway."I said but got stopped by a voice.

"I don't think so you two you haven't met my partner." Dead-pool said.

"What partner?"Spider-man asks.

"Oh Spider he means her."I said while pointing.

"Looks like were in trouble."Spider-man said.

"Not unless this you take on Dead-pool and I'll take on Lady Dead-pool."I said.

~After the fight~

"Your defeated Dead-pool"I said.

"You know Spider-Girl you should join The Avengers "Spider-man said.

"You think I should?"I ask.

"Yes you should."Spider-man said.

~At Avenger headquarters ~ 

"Spider-man who is this you brought with you?"Tony asks.

"This is Spider-Girl she's a friend of mine and she wants to be a member of The Avengers."Spider-man said.

"Well she's in." Tony said.

~I'll have part 2 out tomorrow~    

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