The Heart of An Assassin

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   Author's Note: Hey guys, thought this would be a good idea. I was gonna do something fun. I guess I got inspired by Gotham007's story a turtle's self doubt. So yeah I dedicate this chapter to Gotham007, so yeah hope ya guys all like it.. Oh one more thing, there is some swearing, mostly damn and hell.. 

All rights to the characters  belong to Nickelodeon

 It was night time in New York, some streets were still filled with New Yorkers hustling home to enjoy the rest of their night. It was rush hour and the Turtles were not at home. Karai had came to visit awhile ago, only to find Leo by himself sitting on the couch.

"Where did the others go?" she asked. Leo blew his nose into a tissue. He was very sick today, he had the shivers as well and looked a little pale. In a congested voice he began to speak.

"They went on patrol," he answered, "I believe Shinigami is with them." Karai shrugged and turned something on the TV. She then sat on the other side of the couch. 

"What, so your not going to sit next to me?" he asked. She giggled.

"Well I don't want to catch your cold." she spoke. He nodded and began to look up at the screen. 

On the rooftops....

Donnie spun his bo staff behind his back while Raph dodged some foot bots. Shinigami kept disappearing and reappearing, taking out foot bots in rapid succession. Raph quickly penetrated a foot bot's head with one of his sais. 

"Where are these guys coming from?" Raph growled, stabbing another foot bot. "Isn't Shredder already dead?" Donnie whipped his bo staff at another foot bot. 

"That's what we need to find out." He spoke, "By the way thanks for helping us Shinigami." Shini swung her kusarigama with the irregular crescent edges. Five foot bots went flying off of the rooftop. 

"No problem," Shini said, "I was getting bored anyways." She back flipped in the air knocking over two foot bots. It was a little like the domino effect. Mikey was sitting on the edge of the rooftop staring at the battle. His mind was else where. He watched Shini like he was in a trance. 

Sigh  Mikey had a dreamy look in his eyes as he watched, she gracefully knocked over two more foot bots. Her raven hair and hat swayed with her as she jumped, flipped and swayed in the air. She was graceful, maybe even like a ballerina. 

"She's like an angel dressed in black." thought Mikey. He kept staring at her. Shini pierced the last foot bot in her direction then slowly turned in Mikey's direction. Her hair in a way glided through the air and went behind Shini's back. 

"Well don't just stand there." she smiled, "Help us out."  Mikey was a bit dazed and unaware of his surroundings. He stood up without thinking.

Without thinking he said "Yes, darling." He quickly covered his mouth realizing what he just said. Shini's face became as red as a cherry. Mikey had some blush showing too. The fight had just stopped and everyone's eyes were directed towards the two. 

"Darling?!" screeched Raph and Donnie in unison. A foot bot hit Shini in the face sending her tumbling to the ground. She was still red in the face and now dazed. Mikey grabbed his nunchuks and began swinging them at bots that dare came close to him. 

Donnie smashed the last active foot bot. Meanwhile, Raph was talking to Mikey. 

"Why in hell, would you say that during a battle?!" snarled Raph. 

"Sorry dude, it slipped it." Mikey said sheepishly. Raph face palmed. 

"Does anyone have a fan." asked Raph, turning away from Mikey. Mikey looked down at the ground. Shini was laying on her back totally out of it, or half awake. A little bit of red still remained on her face. 

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