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Panic dominated the human population ever since the existence of demons was revealed. This kind of information changed everything for everyone. Even you. You noticed that the people around you started getting more and more paranoid. There were disasters everywhere and the sky seemed to appear a lot more bleak than you remember it to be. You felt like everything around you turned unsaturated in color and became lifeless.

People were killing each other all the while thinking that they're exterminating demons and saving the human population. The demons, if they made the decision to dominate the world, didn't even have to try at all. You could see it through your window, all over the internet, on the TV... It was everywhere and you couldn't escape it. You could only dream of closing yourself in your cozy little home, away from all of this, and pretending like none of it was even happening.

The worst part: you were alone.

It's been quite a few days since you found your house empty while returning from a short walk. You walked in and realized that the sound of silence is the loudest and most painful. Your home appeared colder than it ever was. You first assumed that maybe they went out for a while just like you did. But your parents never returned. Seeing all of the things that were happening you could only think of the worst, but as the time passed you were slowly beginning to accept of what might have happened. They're probably dead and you had to act strong, because the weak don't survive.

But... Not everything was as bleak. Even at times like these, you still had your shoulder to cry on. Well, more like he cried on yours ever since you met him. But this exposure of weakness led you to believe that you can trust him. And you did. You always trusted this boy. You can't say that you spent your whole childhood with this crybaby of a man, but you surely did spend a few years knowing him.

You heard the doorbell that startled you at first, but you found yourself calm down after you learned that it was just Akira, the aforementioned crybaby. Finally, after being cut off from your friends for a few days he had decided to pay you a visit. Seeing him at your hardest time made you cheer up a bit and gain a dash of hope.

As soon as you opened the door and he saw you on the doorstep, in your lightweight dress, he embraced you and pulled you into a really tight hug. You hugged back and took notice of how taller and larger he was compared to you. It wasn't always like this though.

''(Y/n)! I was so worried about you! I didn't see you anywhere, haven't heard from you...'', His worried expression merged with a confused one as he walked into the empty house, which he wasn't used to.

He turned his head towards you while you were closing the door. One of his eyebrows was raised and his facial features were still dusted with concern.

''Where are they?...''

''My parents?''

He nodded in response.

''Akira... I don't know where they are... I just found the house empty a few days ago. Looking at the circumstances anything could have happened.''

You plop yourself on the couch while sighing deeply and looking at the white ceiling with your hand gesturing him to join your sorrow.

''You're, uhm, taking it pretty well...'' He rolled his eyes around awkwardly and scratched the back of his neck. ''I'm sorry. I don't know what to say.''

''It's okay, don't worry about it. I'm not sure how I feel about it either.''

You look at him and examine his features thoroughly. Never before did you have an opportunity to concentrate so hard on his face. You almost felt like this was your last time seeing him, so you tried your absolute best to memorize every single line on his face.

You're crying [ Akira Fudo x Reader ] [Devilman crybaby] OneshotWhere stories live. Discover now