Apparently, This is Normal

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Gleeking (definition) a type of spitting, coming from the pocket under the tongue.

Hello. So I've decided you haven't learned enough embarrassing stuff about meh yet so here. All of the research and knowledge I've aquired as a bored-to-insanity homeschooled twelve-year-old. (Not twelve anymore)

Today's topic; gleeking. Gleeking is where you yawn or open your mouth and a string of saliva shoots out. Apparently, this is normal. Phil Lester (AmazingPhil) has already done a video that explained some of it, I'll put a link at the bottom of the chapter.

Now for the embarrassing part. The last time I went on a plane, I sat next to my dad and a lady in her twenties. She had the window seat, and my dad had the aisle seat, and I sat in the middle. This girl did nothing but stare at her phone. I was having a blast, coloring in Jesse from Toy Story 2, and just doing my thing, when I had the sudden urge to look out the window. So I leaned over her shoulder to look out, and yawned. I didn't even feel it coming, it just happened. And when I looked down, I realized I had gleeked all over her phone screen. There was no words for level of embarrassment and guilt I felt. And it didn't help that my dad sat there laughing his butt off. She had glared at me and shut the window.

So you know what eleven year old me acts like. :/ congrats. Now for the science of it.

Gleeking, also known as Docking, is the act of stimulating your salivary glands underneath your tongue into spitting a concentrated jet of pure saliva. Usually it happens when you yawn. It takes practice and concentration to gleek on purpose, like you'd want to.

Here are the steps to try if you never have.

Step 1: Gather saliva inside your mouth, you can do it faster if you eat a sour candy or rub the tip of your tongue against the edges of your teeth.

Step 2: Tuck your tongue into the top of your jaw, against your teeth. That's it. Hopefully you just gleeked all over your screen. ^^

This is the link my gleekers ^^


Apparently, This is NormalWhere stories live. Discover now