Morning Routine

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Henry was busy making coffee, he knew William would probably want some when he got up. He had been drunk last night, though he remembered the events very vividly. William was wonderful in bed, it had been some of the best sex he'd had in a while. Henry had, of course, been dominant, and William was a moaning mess. He was surprised his daughter wasn't woken up by the sound. Henry sipped his cup of coffee, sighing. He then heard footsteps heading down the stairs, heavy footsteps. "William, I made coffee if you want any", Henry announced, a smile on his face as he saw William enter, wearing the robe that was laid out for him. However, his face became a frown when he saw William's expression. William looked uncomfortable, and his cheeks were pink. Henry sighed, "What's wrong Will?" He asked softly. William shook his head, holding his hand up. Henry looked William in the eyes, then, after a moment of silence, he spoke. "Turn around", Henry demanded. William, his eyes wide and face going from pink to red, obeyed and turned around. Henry put his hands on William's shoulders and began to massage. William began to relax, a smile forming on his face. Henry smiled, knowing that this was helping calm William down. He stopped massaging, then gave William a small peck on the cheek.
William face burned like a fire, becoming bright red. Henry smiled and motioned for William to go sit down. William nodded and sat down on the couch, stunned. Henry put a cup of coffee on the coffee table for William, then returned to the kitchen to make breakfast. He heard more footsteps on the stairs, Charlotte was awake. Henry smiled, things were going pretty good for him right now.

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