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They drove up to the small cottage on a hill in the middle of nowhere. Tord was asleep again, against the car door. Tom smiled and shook him awake this time. He jumped up.
"Ahh! Oh...Thomas...hi..." he said, covering his face with the blanket he was snuggling. Tom giggled.
"No need to be so formal Tord~" Tom said with a grin, taking the keys out the ignition and opening the door.
"We're here by the way!" Tom said a bit louder. Tord sat up and rubbed his eyes. He saw the cottage in front of them and gasped.
"Woah..." Tord said, getting out the car quickly.
"What's all this?" Tord asked, pointing at the small house.
"Well...I thought..." Tom walked over and grabbed Tord's hand. He looked up and blushed a slight bit.
"I wanted to keep you safe Tord...I don't want anyone to hurt you like you've been hurt before! I've been fixing this place for a long time now! We can live here and-and be happy!" Tom said with a smile. Tord looked at the cottage, then back at Tom.
"Tom...they're going to find me no matter what..." Tord said sadly. Tom looked confused.
"Who? Who he he'll is going to find you?! Nobody is going to touch-" Tom was cut off by Tord putting a finger to his lips.
"Tom...I'm the son of the Red Leader...I'm in training and the entire army has probably been searching for me...I heard over that radio that they've put a tracker in me a long time ago that I didn't know about...they're going to find me Tom...I don't want to go back but..." Tord looked down, tears in his eyes. Tom looked at Tord in disbelief. He stiffened up and leaned down, locking lips with the other. Tord tensed up for a second, but kissed back ultimately.
"I love you Tord..." Tom said, stepping back.
"I..." Tord sighed.
"I-I can't...love is weakness Thomas..." Tord said, without emotion in his voice. Tears ran down his face as he looked at Tom's heart melt right in front of him.
"I'm just going to wait for them to find me...I'll...never forget what you've done for me though...I had fun..." Tord said with a small smile as he started walking away. Tom stared at Tord slowly walking away. He started crying, something he didn't do often. He got on his knees and Tord turned around. He saw just how heartbroken Tom was. He tried to turn around and keep walking, but he couldn't! He did love Tom, he just wanted to protect him.

He grunted and ran back over to Tom, kneeling down in front of him.
"Tom I...I love you too! I just can't! I don't want you to get hurt!" Tord said, more tears coming. Tom looked up and growled, pouncing on Tord, pinning him to the ground.
"TORD! I can no LIVE without you! Knowing you might die without me knowing hurts! Really bad Tord! These panic attacks you have are so awful I NEED to be there to help you! Or else I can't live with myself! I need to be with you...I don't care how much danger I'm in...I need you there..." Tom said through sobs. Tord sighed, and put a hand on Tom's cheek.
"Never forget me Tom...I promise I'll see you again..." as if Tord knew, many black cars pulled up at the cottage. Tom and Tord looked over and many men in black suits pointed their guns at Tom. Tord gasped, quickly sitting up.
"NO! Men put your guns down this instant!" Tord shouted, standing up in front of Tom.

They immediately put their guns down. Tord stormed over. He pulled the one in front, obviously the captain or leader, down by his collar.
"If you EVER try to hurt him again I will personally hav you DECAPITATED!" Tord yelled. Tom smiled, jeez Tord was awsome.
"Y-Yes sir!" The man said as Tord growled at him.
"Tord!" Pat yelled, running out the back of one of the cars and hugging Tord tightly.
"Where have you been?! Why did you run away?!" Pat asked, looking Tord over to make sure he wasn't hurt. Although he did have many bruises and bandages from the gang.
"Who did this?.." Pat said sadly.
"Pat...I don't want to be in the army...I want to be with Tom...he gave me the funnest time of my life! I shot police down, drove a car, and I got abducted by a gang!" Tord yelled with excitement as if it was a good thing.
"WHAT?! ABSOLUTELY NOT!" Pat yelled.
"Pat...I enjoyed actually having fun for once...Tom is the best thing that's ever happened to me..." Tord said, looking down.
"Then bring him with us...PACK UP!" Pat yelled, glaring at Tom and motioning for the men to get back in the cars. Tord looked around confused as some of the men hand-cuffed Tom, and shoved him in a car. Tord yelled at them to stop, but they didn't. Tord cried all the way home. He glared and growled as Pat and Paul sat Tord on the couch. They looked at him with their arms crossed and disappointed faces.
"I want Tom..." Tord said with a growl.
"No...he is a bad influence...you aren't to see him anymore at all!" Paul said with force. Tord looked up, sadness all over his face. He screamed and ran to his room, slamming the door. He paced his room, putting his hands through his hair as he sobbed. He looked over at his drawer. The drawer that contained a box that contained his various knives and razors. He ran to it and immediately took out a dark red throwing knife. He rolled up his sleeve and put the blade to his skin, cutting deep this time.

He couldn't live without Tom. He hated the army, he was miserable here! He hated everything. Except Tom. Now he was gone and he couldn't see him anymore. He sobbed as he pressed harder. He started getting dizzy, and dropped the blade. He fell and stared at the ceiling. He smiled.
"I love you Tom..." he whispered as it went black.
He woke up with a gasp. He looked around. He was in one of the base's infirmary rooms. His wrist was stitched and bandages up, and he was hooked up to a blood supply. What he didn't expect, was to see Tom, still in handcuffs, sleeping in a chair beside his bed.
"Tom!" Tord yelled in happiness, waking Tom.
"Tord? TORD!" Tom yelled, hugging the hell out of Tord.
"WHY THE HELL WOULD YOU DO THAT!?" Tom yelled, getting tears eyed again.
"I...they said I wasn't aloud to see you anymore! So I freaked and..." Tord said with a sigh.
"They called me up here to come see you though?" Tom said, tilting his head.
"They what?" Tord said with confusion.
"Some guy with chicken wing hair and another with chocolate bar eyebrows came into my prison cell crying and covered in blood yelling at me to get to you as quick as possible!" Tom explained.
"Yea...we needed him to get you awake..." Tord looked up and saw Pat and Paul in the doorway. Tord growled.
"I hate you! Go away!" Tord yelled- no- screamed.
"Tord...sweetie please just-"
"DONT SWEETIE ME!" Tord yelled in anger. Pat backed away and looked down.
"You can go son...we see how much you care now...we won't take your happiness away...live your life..." Paul said with a smile.
"You mean I can..." Tord said with shock. Paul nodded, and walked over to un-cuff Tom.
"Go live with him...he told us everything and he's obviously fit for you..." Paul said with a smile. Tord giggled, and hugged Paul as tears built up in his eyes.

Tom and Tord lived together for a few years. They soon moved to the city. Edd and Matt found them, and eventually moved in. Tord ultimately went back to the army, and left the crew for a while. He came back and tried to kill everyone. Now he's the villainous Red Leader, but... his Thomas is still by his side.


Unlovable (TomTord High school AU YES TOMTORD! FITE ME!)Where stories live. Discover now