Quiz #1 Who Are You?

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If you see a lonely person,  you:

     A. Talk to them

    B. Ignore them

    C.  Feel sad and look away

    D. Make fun of them

People ask you to do something, you :

  A. Do it but complain

B.  Pertand you didn't hear

C.   Do it

D.    Say do it yourself and walk away

When someone tells you if you want to go out, you say  :

A.  yes

B.    I don't think it's....

C. Stay quiet

D.  Who'd want to date a loser like you

Would you play sports ?

A + B yes, always

B + C  No, sometimes

Colors you like/ wear :

A. Anything thats cool

B.  Whatever

C. somethibg that doesn't draw attention

D. Black, anything dark and rocks!

What do you really need? :

A. Friends, Family,  Foods, whatever makes me happy

B. A cool jacket and such

C. Friends, Books..

D, To look cool.

When people smile to you, you:

A. Say hi and chat with them

B. Stare at them and look away

C. Smile shyly

D. Make faces at them, not if they're cute.. jk

Who do you hate/ how many?:

A. Not many, just if they're mean

B. 100000 I hate all dam people on earth

C.  Some some, only if they like me for who I look like, and smartness

D. F- -ck all, not friends but anyone else

Your grades:

A. abcdefg it depends ^_^

B.  F and Ds

C. A B sometines C

D, F F F whatever

What you do afterschool:

A. Hang out ₩ friends

B. Go in my room and ...

C. read, homework, play on ipod ♥

D. Hang out here and there, smoke maybe.?

If all/most As:


     You are outgoing fun and nice, helpful, but maybe sonetimes opposite.

All/most Bs:

      Your not really A but opposite,  you just want to hide and just be alone, what people do bothers you.. but you want to just hide

Most C or all C:

      Your shy, yep, so you're very fun to hang out with but you hid it. You dont know why but yep. Smart too ♥

  Ds all or most:

           Dude, you are a bully, a cheater, a....

You are a hater, please save yourself before you're ruin :(

   So this was lame but I did it cuz I have no wifi sorry . :( sry

p.s You can skip any boring chapter so that it can be fun. Always, anytime :] Any chapter that's interesting okay!

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