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Leo had heard a commotion within the center of the little man made town, "What is going on?"

"Your daughter brought a Police Bot back with her." One of the men said. "I saw it with my own eyes!"

Leo tried to calm the people down, "I have told her of the dangers of bringing it here, I assure you that if anything happens, that thing will die." He assured them all. "Please, do not worry. I have everything under control.

"You said that no bot will ever come near this place." Oro confronted him. "You've lied."

"If this doesn't get taken care of like you say...We will all take care of it ourselves." The man warned. Leo couldn't help the fire erupting in his chest. "Let me handle it, Daniel."

"Then go do it." He gave him a challenging stare. "We are waiting."

Leo, not wanting to start any altercation, nodded and headed back to his home, climbing the steps to see his daughter and son work on the Tomper meticulously. Hawk had spotted him and approached, "I promise that if it gets out of line-"

"I will kill it, son." Leo warned. Hawk didn't dare challenge his father, he nodded and looked back at Fallon who worked on the machine like she had a purpose. "She can be too determined at times." Leo shook his head.

"She wouldn't betray you on purpose. I know you trust her."

"Wouldn't betray me on purpose, yes. But accidents happen." Leo spoke.

It was true that Fallon had a knack for doing things her way for a certain purpose. Whatever that purpose was with a Tomper, still remained to be seen. Venner sat on the roof, hearing the other two men talk.

Fallon betrayed him, she knew what happened to his family so why did she welcome this thing in like a stray dog needing a home? The Tompers took her family away too, why did she put so much trust into this particular one? It didn't make any sense. He looked over to see an old radio, turning it on to hear the only radio station in all of Elysium.

"Hello, Elysium. How are you?"

"Not well, Mori." He gritted his teeth.

"Today in the news, three Desolate Civilians have vanished from the state, two days after another two have seemed to disappear from their homes. Tomper police have not taken them prisoner or executed them, they have gone missing from their watch and now the authorities are believing that they have crossed into Derelict." Mori spoke. "Tomper Authorities have asked for any one to come forward to report the rogues and are searching Derelict for them...wherever you all are, I hope you are well and that you get the hell out of there." She warned.

Venner stood to his feet and rushed downstairs, "We have to go."

"Why, what's wrong?" Fallon lifted her head from working on Gideon and looked at him curiously.

"I just heard Mori on the radio, the Tompers are looking for us. They're in Derelict right now."

Leo and Hawk looked out the windows to inspect outside of the gate, "I don't see any thing yet." Hawk told Venner. Fallon stood up, dragging the dead bot down the stairs. Leo stopped her in her tracks, "What are you doing?" He asked.

"I'm taking Gideon to the Dune. We have to be ready in case they get close."

"Everyone knows that you brought that thing into the compound and they are not happy about it." He scolded. "You walk out there, they will attack you."

"So what?" She shrugged, trying to push past her father. Leo easily blocked her, hoisting the Tomper over his shoulder and walking out of the home and into the pathway that led to their Dune. "Leo you Coward! I thought you were going to get rid of that!" One of the townspeople shouted.

Fallon stayed close to Leo, her hand on her knife. Leo just kept walking, blocking out any noise that was screamed his way. "Get out of here, Leo. You have betrayed us all!" Leo felt a gust of wind fly past his face, seeing an object move past his vision. Fallon jumped in front of him when she saw, to protect him.

"Fallon!" He pushed her out of the way when an oil barrel came tumbling down one of the roofs, hitting his shoulder hard. Fallon scrambled to her feet to keep up with her father but her whipped around, "Get Hawk and Venner now!" He commanded. The tone in his voice jolting her chest, obeying him. She ran down the path to get them, She saw them from a distance coming up to her, "You forgot your bag, genius!" He threw her the bag and the three of them started running from the angry mob that ensued behind them. Fallon felt a bit of cold metal slice her temple open and she paused, shaking a little shocked by what had happened so suddenly.

"FALLON!" Venner caught her in his arms, seeing her collapse in the corner of his eye. Hawk stopped, turning around to see his sister injured. "Go, I'll meet you!" Venner shouted, holding her in his arms and beginning to sprint down the path to leave.

The mob grew angrier and angrier and Vanner could only see faces of angry people at every turn, getting disorientated quickly. He had lost his way and Fallon was losing blood fast. Their hands started pulling on her to keep them from leaving, wanting them to account for their misdeed. Venner gripped onto her as hard as he could to keep her in his grasp.

"You've brought death upon us!"

"Give us the girl! she must pay for bringing in the Tomper!"

Venner had to barrel through the people in order to escape their fury, knocking down any one in his path. Fallon woke slightly and looked around, seeing the angry people around her throwing fists and spitting on them. She quickly took out her knife and started slashing anyone in her way, she didn't care at this point, they had to get out of there.

"What is it with you always carrying me to safety?!" She yelled over the livid shouting of the mob. Venner rolled his eyes and finally made it out of the crowd that was quickly gaining on them.

"A simple Thank you would have been nice!"


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