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The border was finally reached and Ecula could be seen from a distance, "We're here, Fallon." Venner nudged her awake. She opened her eyes to a returning headache, and she sat up to see the rusty fence that protected the border. "No one is guarding Ecula?" She asked. "Not a bot in sight here."

"I know. It's a bit weird." Venner said, looking at their surroundings. Ecula couldn't be seen in the darkness of the morning, but they could see shapes of buildings through the smog that engulfed the area ahead. "Who is out there?!" A voice called out from the other side of the fence. Leo looked about to see if he could find a figure in the thick fog. "We're travelers. We seek to cross into Ecula." He called back. Suddenly, a group of men came to the Dune to inspect it.

The group all were surprised and didn't know what to do, "Stay calm." The voice was closer now, as the men started to take things from their vehicle. "Wait, that is our food!" Hawk went to get out, but he was hit in the chest with a rod to keep him down. Fallon jolted up to defend him, but Venner held her down, "Stop, you have a concussion, this type of excitement may trigger it!" He warned.

The figure came into view, a man with long dark hair and violet eyes approached Fallon's side of the car, taking her jaw into his hand to get a good look at her, "A Concussion?" He asked, looking at the blonde man next to her, concern on his face. Fallon tried fighting him off, but he simply bent down to meet her green eyes, "Please, calm down. We mean you no harm."

"Then why are you taking our belongings?" Hawk asked.

"Anyone who comes into the Order of Ecula must be generous with their things to benefit the whole community." The mysterious black haired man replied with an air of propriety. Something about him rang a bell in her mind, why did he sound so familiar. His mannerisms were fluid and natural, just like all Ecularians. She rolled her eyes, she almost forgot that Ecula was the home state of President Spirit. All Ecularians had a high sense of self-importance, "Anything for the most pampered people in the country." Fallon bit.

He smiled at her, "I assume that's the bump on your head talking. It's impossible for such a stunning face to have such an ugly vocabulary."

"Ejova!" She disapproved of his words and spit in his face.

"Such a spirited one isn't she?" The man only smiled and wiped his face with his sleeve.

Leo turned to the man, "Sir, we will give you anything you need, we just have to cross." He tried keeping the peace.

"I'm afraid I can't do that. You're planning to smuggle a Tomper in here." He confronted as one of his men threw the bot to the ground. No! She just finished working on him, now she would have to start all over again. She pulled her face from his grasp and pushed him away from the car to get to Gideon. "He can be reprogrammed. I promise he won't be any harm to you when he is powered up." She stood to see the man standing over her like a looming tree.

"And you so happen to have a programmer on board your pitiful Dune?"

"Yeah, she does." Hawk spoke up.

The tall man looked between them and sighed, "Nevertheless, I cannot let you bring it in. The people would not like it."

"We'll hide him." Fallon suggested. "He won't be seen. Even when he's up and running I'll make it clear to him that he has to stay away."

"Remember when robots and Elysians lived in peace?" Hawk backed up his sister. "We're trying to reprogram each bot at a time to weaken the Tomper Authorities."

The dark-haired man, thought about it a moment, "hmm...this might be a useful matter to be involved in." He said, thinking out loud. "Fine, but he stays hidden until we know he is safe." He agreed.

He looked at his men who had arms full of their belongings, "Go and open the gate for them, they have had a long journey and alert the Order that we have new Rogues." He looked back at Fallon, smiling a charming smile. "I like the way you negotiate, what is your name?"

"Fallon Blade." She answered.

"Avis Marius." He stuck his hand out for a handshake and she looked up at the towering man again, he was Avis Marius? The most famous violin player in all of Elysium? She had listened to his music since she was young, the way he made music was pure genius. There he was, standing in front of her, a victim of The Divide just like everyone else.

"You're Avis Marius?" She asked.

"I get that a lot. Come, we can walk to the gate if you like, and I can catch you up." He placed a hand on her back and they started walking, watching the Dune speed by while they walked on foot. "You are a fan of my music?" He asked.

"I am. I used to listen to you to help me sleep at night."

"How sentimental. I'm moved that my compositions have affected you well." He told her, puffing himself up. "I am sorry for the way my men took hold of your cargo. We have a policy that everything be shared."

"Oh, uhm..." She felt a little strange, his presence made her feel so out of place, as if she wasn't deserving his company. "I-Its okay. I guess it's for the better. You said something about an Order?"

"Oh, yes." He smiled down at the ground. "The Order of Ecula is a community by my own design. We share everything to keep the peace. I hope you and your family can abide by the rules here."

"Well, I don't see why not." She replied, looking him up and down a bit unsure of his presence. She had to admit, even after The Divide...Ecularians still had their charm. "As long as you treat us right."

"Perfect." He stopped in the middle of their stroll. "We won't have any problems, then."

"...Of course not." She said, still quite fascinated and hypnotized by his presence.

"Seeing your behavior from earlier, you are on my radar, Fallon Blade."

"Oh, am I? I wonder if that will be a good thing or a bad thing." She said it in her smart and sassy way like she usually speaks.

Avis stopped in his tracks, looking at her as if he were processing what she just said to him. He all the sudden laughed as if he had finally understood her way of speaking and shook his head.

"Oh, Fallon. You're quite the...blunt speaker, aren't you?" he asked as they kept walking to the gate. Fallon nodded, "I don't intend to change the way I speak for the sake of you or anyone else."

"Now, there's no need to be so defensive, my dear. I certainly don't want you to tame that tongue of yours. You are quite amusing in my eyes." He bends down to meet her green eyes again. "I like amusement."

Fallon raised and eyebrow at his sudden change of manner, "I'm not here to entertain anyone."

"Oh, but your mouth is unlike anything I've ever heard. Forgive me if I think is quite refreshing." He admitted. 

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