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Venner had brought in the rest of their belongings, making sure everything was accounted for. He didn't trust Avis and his band of followers. Something about him made his skin crawl and the fact that they had just arrived on one of the most recognized holidays in Ecula made him very cautious. He never mentioned it to the rest of the group, but he knew what this holiday really was about. Being the Lorem in Elysium had its benefits as well as its drawbacks.

He refused to say anything in fear of causing a stir, but he would have to keep an eye on Fallon during their stay. Leo approached him and met the man's eyes, "Everything here?"

"Yeah." He looks back at Leo and then shifted to the door, "Where's Fallon?"

Leo looked around the tent and rolled his eyes, "That girl is a pain in the neck sometimes." He pokes his head out of the tent and looks around. "She couldn't have gone far."

Venner opened the tent and looked at Leo, "I'll go and look for her. She's probably with that Avis."

"I don't like that man. He's very vague when he speaks. What is he hiding?"

"We'll find out, Dad." Hawk came out of the tent as well. Leo stayed put in the tent in case his disobedient daughter came back. Hawk and Venner go walking through the compound. Everyone seemed to be working hard for The Festival of Luminescence. Breads and meats of all kinds could be smelled along the pathways and there were women who were tending to their white garments. Fruits, including Pearls were bright out and wine was being made before their eyes.

Hawk looked at the excitement in the people's eyes over this very mysterious holiday and he turned to Venner, "What is The Festival of Luminescence? I know you know, Lorem,"

Venner looked at Hawk a bit surprised that he was still being called that even after the Divide. He sighed and looked forwards, looking for Fallon as he walked.

"The Festival of Luminescence is the celebration of the first snowfall, yes." Venner nodded. "But Ecularians have a very depraving way of celebrating it. They celebrate the first day with a big feast, which is what they're preparing for I assume." He glanced at Venner and kept talking, "The second day is celebrated with games, dancing and drinking and the third day...is when everyone chooses a partner, male, female, child...animal." He shook his head, hating what he was about to say. "And they enjoy a night of lust with the one they choose; their white clothing is to show each other how much fun they had and who ever has the most stained garment gets..."

Hawk looked at the man in complete horror, "You mean to tell me that they pic one person out of the crowd to...take advantage of? That sounds like a human sacrifice!"

"I know. We must find Fallon right away and keep her away from this holiday, Avis isn't telling her the whole truth."

"How do you even know all of this? Have you been to this celebration before?" Hawk asked.

Venner, Indra and Clara all stepped out of their room in white garments, they looked so pure and happy. President Spirit came down the hallway in his own white suit and greeted the family with a smile, "Welcome. I'm so glad all of you could celebrate with us. Its going to be such a good time for all of us."

"Thank you for inviting us." Indra replied kindly.

The people outside the doors of the hotel made noises of happiness and joy as they all celebrated the second day of the Festival of Luminescence. Venner and his family had arrived a day late, but they were all still in high spirits.

"Shall we go?" Spirit ushered them out and the streets were covered in snow. Everyone was playing games along the streets, it seemed like Lorem, Skrittle and Scover alike were all equal here for three days and Venner thought that it was a beautiful sight to see. Men were gambling and drinking wine, women were playing card games and children were playing in the snow. Clara had pulled her white fur coat closer to her and walked closer to her Father's side to stay warm.

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