Chapter 1

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"Congratulations, Marilyn, you've given birth to a gorgeous baby boy!" The assigned nurse smiled handing the newborn crying baby to their mother. His eyes were squeezed tightly with their mouth agape letting sobs escape into the air. He was wrapped in a pale white towel and his skin gleamed with a deep pink.

Marilyn smiled down at her newborn cradling him to her chest gently stroking his exposed head whispering sweet nothings to her new son. Her husband Roland placed his supportive grasp on her shoulder giving it a light squeeze with a smile of his own when gazing upon the baby.

Marilyn's eyes shimmered when caressing softly down the boy's face making his sobs cease giving the parents a larger smile of anticipation.

"He is absolutely beautiful," She replied with ease, "We are naming him Damien." She looked up to her husband for approval.

He nodded in agreement, "I think it's perfect" He leaned towards Marilyn to give her forehead an affectionate kiss before pulling away with grabby hands so he can hold Damien.

He placed his hands underneath Damien's blanket and lifted him into his own arms. He leaned towards his son and placed a soft kiss to his pink cheek smiling against it. As he pulled away he saw his son's pupils dilate making his whole world shine brighter than ever before.

"My baby boy," he said admiringly, "I already know you are going to do great things," he moved his hand to cradle his head and place the newborn back into the mother's arms.

"He's already the most perfect son any mother could ever wish for," Marilyn exclaimed, "he's going to have a beautiful wife, gorgeous children, a successful career, everything."

Roland coughed softly then placed his hand over his wife's. "We don't know about that yet dear," he honestly spoke, "we'll work up to that," smiling reassuringly.

"Why on earth would you consider him to be anything other than that?"

"You can't assume," he sighed. "You can't control him either."

Marilyn shook her head and looked back down at her newborn child, "How much longer do I have with my boy?" she asked the doctor without looking.

"It's just about time actually," the doctor replied making her way over to Marilyn to receive the baby back. "I will make sure he's clean and healthy before you both take him home."

"Thank you," Marilyn smiled pleasantly.

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