Jet pack blues

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Caius POV

They say that when you first feel your other half, your whole world changes. You have never met them yet you feel so drawn, so tied to that person it's suffocating. You can feel the pull rip through your heart and tear it's way through everything you thought was important.

The kind that makes June feel like September,
I'm the last one that you'll ever remember

They become everything. So when I feel it I forget the throne room. I forget my brothers next to me. I forget the blood I've spilt and the lives I've ripped away to sit upon this throne. I forget that my fangs are blades and my eyes are red with the blood that makes me a monster.

And I'm trying to find my peace of mind,
behind these two white highway lines.

Her eyes are glossed over, brown orbs of purity, they fill with fear as she enters. I pay little attention to the Cullen boy until I realise that his filthy hand is wrapped around her, his arm is wrapped around what is mine. MINE. Yet I sit and what seems like eternity she lets her eyes wonder until they land on me. She feels it. I can see in her eyes she is fearful yet longing. She looks at me and I look at her and I can't help myself. I smile, she alone fills me with joy happiness and warmth. God she is so warm. The Cullen boy notices at the intense gaze and snaps her eyes back to him, Damn him! How dare he break and tear her eyes from me the filthy animal drinki-
"Ah~ Bella is alive after all"
My brother drawls. Wait? What does he mean after all? Was she in danger?! The thought that crosses my mind instantly fills me with rage and sorrow "yes" the Cullen boy speaks "we won't be needing your services after all Aro"
God I wish I could shut his disgusting mouth. Aro continues a ramble on about something I'm not paying attention till I realise her flush hand is in that of my brothers. I feel a pant of jealousy 'why does he get to touch her?! He already has a mate. She's MINE!' I curse in my head the Cullen boy looks me in the eyes and growls deep and low beneath his breath. Aro looks between us but says nothing, the damn Cullen boy better learn his place. I think loud and clear. The filth looks away and she looks to me and as she parts her lips a name whispers on her lips "Edward" she says quite clearly at me her voice like the humming of angels on silent night "his name is Edward," I'm awe struck. How can she read me? Can she hear me inside her beautiful mind? I focus very hard on her eyes and speak to her in my mind "mio caro" her eyes widen in shock and curiosity "how" she looks to me in a silent confirmation that I heard her. I give her a nod. "Well we'll be making our leave then, thank you for your hospitality let's be off Bella-"
How dare he use her lovely name. I'll rip him to shreds wait leave? Nononono she can't leave! She has to stay with me! Where I can keep her safe. "Brother." I speak firmly "she can't leave, she's a liability." I speak to him trying to convey a message across through my eyes, please Aro out of all the times you've made an impulsive decision please make this one. I look to Marcus in a begging way and he looks back at me with a glint of hope in his old eyes "I agree Aro" he speaks I hear her breath heighten and I look to her. She's looking around frantically trying to grasp what is about to happen she looks to me and invaded her voice into my mind "Will I die?" My breath hitches in my throat she's a human yet I can't fight it I refuse to fight it "not as long as venom runs through my veins" I reply determination to her. I want her to know that no harm will come to her if she is with me, please, please be with me. She looks at me with adoration and the Cullen boy grows angrier "I'm afraid Edward we can't allow her to leave..." Aro speaks
"Wait! I've seen her, as one of us." The seer speaks, I had almost forgotten she is there Aro walk toward her and offers his hand out and the seer puts his in hers. "Ahhh I see what is to happen, before it had happened" The seer and Aro both look to me
"Very well" he says "she may go with you... however-" as Aro speaks Edwards hand on my life tightens and I hear her wince and squint her eyes in pain. He. Hurt. Her. Oh god how the fury crashes into me like the waves to the rocky shore. Before I can move Aro has his hand on the filth and is removing it from her
"I would be more gentle if I were you Edward." Aro rouses in a low threatening voice "we wouldn't want our young Isabella being hurt now would we?" He smiles a dangerous smile letting his fangs glint in the chandelier light. Bella looks up at Aro and she no longer looks scared, more comfortable and relaxed. "Are you okay?" She says to me in her mind "I'm fine la mia luce stellare" I cant believe her. She's worried about me? She's the one that hurt, the flames of fury flickers to my mind again. "As I was saying" continues Aro "make sure to hang up your end of the deal Edward I get the feeling we'll be seeing Bella very soon." He says with a smile, "yes well we'll be off now thank you" Cullen takes one final glare at myself. "Let's go Bella" he says and snakes his filthy arm around her waist "let's go home." HA! Her home is right here silly boy, right in my arms or in my chambers. I stop myself as sinful thoughts blur across my mind as I feel a tightening under my robe. She looks at me with those fascinating eyes as she says stutters out "Goodbye" in an angelic voice then she's gone from my eyes.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 28, 2018 ⏰

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