Chapter Five

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We got to a small town on neutral grounds so I won't have to worry about Alpha's ratting me out to Logan. We will move around a lot this time so there is no way he will find us. I love him with everything I got but I deserve happiness to ya know. It might be hard now but I will survive, as long as I have my baby I'm fine.

"Mommy I hungry?"  Kyle said as we pulled into a motel.

"We will go get dinner once we get a room, okay?" I said as I got him out of his car seat.

"Otay." He said jumping up and down.

"Hello? How may I help you?" A girl in her mid-30's with brown hair with some gray showing. 

"Hi I was looking for a room for a few nights." I said while I switched Kyle to my right hip to my left.

"Two beds or one?" She asked typing away at her beat up and run down computer. 

"One please." I said kindly I didn't have a lot of money at the moment so we will have a budget till I get another job.

"Here ya go it’s just up those steps and take a left by the vending machines." She said handing me a set of keys and continued to type away at her computer.

We got to our room and let’s just say you can tell this is a motel and not a hotel. It is so dirty and filthy but will have to do for now. I put all our things in drawers and disinfected everything.

"What do you want for lunch baby?" I asked Kyle as we drove out of the parking lot.

"McDonald! McDonalds!" He shouted excitedly in the back making me laugh at his childness.

"Alright, nuggets or burger?" I asked as I pulled into the drive though. It was only about 4 buildings from the motel.

"Nuggets!" He said happy that I'm letting him eat this junk again. After I got a good job and saved up enough to not eat fast food all the time we stopped eating it all together.

"Chocolate milk?" I asked knowing he will want some with his meal. He just nodded and had a huge goofy grin on his face.

"Hello? How may I help you?" The drive though box said. You can tell the person on the other side hates their job just by the way they talked.

"Can I have a McNugget kid’s meal with chocolate milk and a number 2 with no pickles." I said into the drive through thingy. I don't know exactly what it’s called so it will be called drive through thingy for now on.

"What would you like to drink with that?" They asked lazily.

"Sprite." I responded quickly.

"That will be $10.25 at the window, thank you for choosing McDonalds." They said and I drove to the window and got out 11 dollars.

"That will be $10.25." A young boy about the age of 15-16 said with a bored tone. I handed him the 11 and he put it in the cash register and handed me back my 3 quarters.

Once he handed me our food I went straight back to the motel. We ate and he fell asleep shortly after. I minds well look at the newspaper for jobs.

I saw a few that I qualified for and circled them in red. When I Kyle wakes up we are going to go to some of these places and get applications filled and do some interview maybe. After I get a job I will look for a babysitter till I can afford daycare.

"Mommy!" I heard Kyle scream from the bed. I ran to him like a mother should when their child wakes up screaming.

"What? What's the matter baby?" I asked after making sure he wasn't hurt.

"I had a nightmare about Daddy. I don't want to go back." He said before crying again and I took him in my arms and cradled him while saying comforting words. I don't know what that was about but I know sure as hell that he will never see Logan again if he has only known him for a week and gave him nightmares already.

"No one will ever hurt you baby I promise." I said as he started to fall back to sleep. I guess we can go job hunting tomorrow. I fell asleep shortly after Kyle did.

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