[Chapter 1] You're Not Easy

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It was the first day of grade 10 today. It was also my first day at my new school.

My dad just got transferred here for his work because the law firm needs more experienced people to help during this busy time, and this is also good for my mum because now she is closer to the hospital she works at as a nurse.

"Love you mom, Love you dad." I hugged them before walking out the house.

I was so excited for today. Who was i kidding? I really wasn't. I didn't know anyone there, even if i did no one would like a goody-two-shoes like me. My last school was a private school, so there was at least a couple other people like me, but this is public school. I am doomed.

I finally arrived at the new hell i would call school.

I had thought of the perfect plan on the way there too. I was going to once again focus on my studies and pay no attention to my social life. Then i don't care if nobody likes me. Not paying attention to my social life and anything that took away from my academic responsibilities seemed to work perfectly at my old school. But soon i learned extremely quick that it was going to be hard not to pay attention to people at this school. Well one person in particular. He was dressed in a black leather jacket, black pants, and a short sweater that showed about an inch of his stomach. His hair was bleached platinum white and had a nice electric blue on the ends. He had three piercings on one ear and one on the other, he also had a nose, eyebrow and i'm pretty sure a tongue piercing too but i didn't get a good look.

He was the dictionary definition of who and what my parents told me not to converse with.

Usually i wouldn't like this type of person either but something about him made my heart skip a beat. He was just so beautiful. he had a group of six other guys that he was walking with, but they didn't grab my attention as much as he did. He was walking besides a pretty girl, probably his girl friend, he had his arm around her but he was winking to others. Did she really love him that much to ignore his actions? He passed by me giving me a curious stare, different from the ones he would give from other girls. Maybe he was surprised that i wasn't swooning, well on the outside, or either it was because i was 'fresh meat'.

After classes, it was our lunch break. I quickly become full after a sandwich so i headed out to the sports field to relax and maybe try to get some studying in.

I sat down on the grass and started to read a book i had for history. It was extremely peaceful until a guy from inside the hall was suddenly sitting beside me.

"Whatcha doing?"

"Um.." I was speachless from surprise.

"Ohh.." He huffed, noticing my book and his tone changing from cheerful to totally unimpressed.

"Well," He sighed, " I'm Wonho."

"I'm Yoonji." I managed to push out of my mouth, still surprised.

"You don't have to be shy." He smirked, looking at me.

I inhaled heavily and regained myself, looked him straight in the eyes and said bluntly,

"Don't you have a girlfriend?" I did like him a lot but i didn't want to. So i decided to make him my very last priority so i might stop.

He frowned, "Yeah.. But i can ditch her. Don't you like me?" I shook my head.

"You're not easy."

"That's one thing, but i also don't date your type. Now if you'll excuse me, i'll go back to reading." I turned my attention back to my book.

He laid his head on his crossed arms which were rested atop is knees with his bottom lip pouted a bit and mumbled under his breath, "I don't excuse you..." I scoffed and continued to read my book, but he didn't move; he just pitfully looked at me.

The bell eventually rang and i stood up, him staying a couple extra seconds before getting up. I went to my locker to grab my books for my next lesson when i saw Wonho's . girlfriend standing in front of it, maybe she had the locker next to mine. I opened my locker and not too long after i could hear his voice. But he wasn't talking to me, he was talking to his girlfriend.

"Sorry," He began in an insincere, not-caring type of tone, "But we're breaking up." He shrugged then walked away. What a jerk.. it's like he thinks he can get any girl he wants, he can just break their heart and toss them away. I mean it is kinda their fault for being so naive.. still.

I headed to class, which i unfortunately had with Wonho, his ex and one of her ex boyfriends.

I sat in my seat and looked over my notes while waiting for the teacher. Wonho's ex and one of her ex boyfriends walked in chatting - probably about her 'emotional' breakup. Then not too long after Wonho walked in.

He was immediately grabbed by the collar and pinned against the wall. Yet his facial expression stayed the same: cocky.

"How dare you break up with a girl so perfect?" Her ex scolded him.

"Well isn't it obvious?" Wonho raised his eyebrow while the guy stayed breathing heavy and staring wonho straight in the eyes, waiting for an answer.

"Cause i don't like her, and don't forget you were the one to break up with her first pal so let's not play the blame game." Wonho tried to leave but was stopped by the guy tightening his grip and raising his other hand into a fist, but Wonho stayed his cool, calm, smirking self as if he had things timed perfectly as a lady walked into the room.

"STOP!" Her voice boomed throughout the classroom.

The guy ended up getting detention, Wonho stayed perfectly untouched and we got to do some work for the rest of the lesson.

I wasn't even apart of this, yet is till felt guilty for what had happened. I'm so guilty and stressed and i had nothing to do with it, yet i feel like such a horrible human being. Or atleast i dont think i was apart of this or that it was partially my fault...

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