When you have something you have to do in the end you're gonna have to do it. If you don't it's your choice but you have to accept that decision's consequences .
If you start that thing early or at least have an idea about what to do. Even if it's something as simple as a reminder in your head that makes sure you have to do that thing. But you can't keep snoozing that alarm, you gotta gotta get up and get going.
Sometimes that thing is studying math (which I had to do when I wrote this) or maybe cooking lunch. There is gonna be a time for you to do all the things you have to do, but when that time is up there is no going back, all because you were too lazy or forgetful.
I know life is hard, but if we do what we've postponing, wouldn't it be a bit easier?
Wise Stuff
RandomHello. This is a book where I will pour my wisdom in with quotes and sayings of my own creation, and maybe with some help, in hope to inspire and motivate you and spread positive energy in our world. Hope you enjoy it. In a while butterfly!🦄