The Jamba Juice

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  • Dedicated to Mr.Dodson (My Teacher)

Note from the author

Dear Reader,

        I wrote this story for school it is suppose to be bone chilling and maybe haunt you.  WARNING: YOU MAY NOT WANT TO DRINK A JABMA JUICE SMOOTHIE AFTER READING THIS STORY!!!!!!!!!!!  So.............let the story begin if you dare to read on.................

                                                                               The Jamba Juice

          Sarah sat down in the lunch room.  Sighing she unzipped her lunch box and pulled out a brown apple.  She put the apple down and returned her thoughts to her lunch box.  Their was a ham sandwich with pickles, lettuce, tomatoes and cheese.  Then she realized the sandwich was dripping from to much pickle juice.  Sarah's best friend, Sammie, sat down next to her.

          "What's wrong?" Sammie asked.  Sarah just stared at her lunch box and sighed again.  

          "You could always go to the Jamba Juice," Sammie said,"Even a Jamba Juice would healthier and much more refreshing than that." She pointed at Sarah's lunch.  

          "Your a genius Sammie!" Sarah exclaimed.  She got up and ran out of the lunch room in the direction of the Jamba Juice.  

          As Sarah walked into the Jamba Juice, she noticed that their was know body in line.  She stepped right up to the counter.  I'll have the strawberry banana smoothie." She said.  The cashier smiled a smile that made Sarah shiver with piercing fear that threatened to devour her.  Sarah sat down and waited for her smoothie to be brought out to her.  When she started to get impatient she glanced over to see how her smoothie was coming.  For a split second she thought that her smoothie had looked blood red.  She closed her eyes tightly for five seconds. when she opened her eyes again, the cashier was sitting in the chair directly in front of her holding her smoothie.  Sarah opened her mouth to say thank you but the words stopped in her throat.  

          "Here is your strawberry banana smoothie Sarah." The cashier said in a sickly sweet voice.  

          "T-thanks" Sarah managed to sputter, as the cashier walked away.  I never told her my name, Sarah thought to herself taking the first sip of her smoothie.  She suddenly started to feel dizzy.  As she stumbled to the door she noticed that the same cashier was blocking her way.  

          "Excuse me," Sarah tried to say as politely as she could.  When the cashier didn't move, Sarah tried to go around her.  Yet, the cashier stepped in her way.  

          "Please!" Sarah said her desperate plea with her voice rising..  Just when Sarah though that she would die the cashier gave her that evil smile again..  A chill went down her spine.  As Sarah's legs buckled beneath her the very last thing that she saw was that smile.................

                                                                                                 ....................before her world went black forever

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