Dear Diary...

363 11 4

y/n: Your name

L/n: Last name

5/16, Dear Diary.

When that freaky new kid showed up,I didn't expect this kind of outcome!

I was just like everyone else! You know, like, totally scared? They say he has a criminal record! I don't like bad boys! That just like, I don't know... isn't me! Is it?

But it's weird, y'know? Like, he just doesn't seem like a criminal. He doesn't dress like those hoodlums in the old movies, like that Sakamoto-kun does. In our homeroom and math class, he answers all the questions correctly. He wears his uniform all respectful-like. His hair is moppy like a normal kid, but just messy enough to make it all cute. His glasses fit so perfectly with his face and... oh god, I'm rambling.

This is all because of that stupid Kamoshida! If he didn't start harassing everyone, I wouldn't be so in love! When he started to hurt Oka, and touch her in those ways, it made my blood boil! Oka's my best friend, since diapers. She even got me this diary since she knows how much I love to rant! We went to everyone that could lock up that good for nothing pervert for good, but it was like Kamoshida had everyone wrapped around his finger... until he came by.

It was like, as soon as Kurusu-kun came Kamoshida confessed! He knew the problem that was going on with everyone. He was even in kahoots with Mishima and Sakamoto. I don't know what he did. Maybe his fathers in the Yakuza, and he made them threaten Kamoshida. Maybe he took his criminal goon friends and Kamoshida himself. Or maybe, Kamoshida got so scared from that calling card he confessed. I hope it's the last one, but no matter what he's good in my book for helping out my friend.

But, sorry to sound cheesy... he's taken my heart. I can't stop thinking about him. His cute face. His frizzy hair, his tall yet lenient figure. That pale skin. I can't get over it. God, he's just so cute! He's just always hanging out with that Sakamoto and Tamaki-san. There are a lot of rumors about them, but now that we've made sure Ann was being used by Kamoshida, Sakamoto can't be that bad either. Especially if they, hang out with him...

Well, anyway. I'm going to close off this diary entry. Gosh, it's like Im ranting to a person. Oka knows me too well. I'll definitely do this tomorrow. Goodnight, diary~!


Y/n took her new, maroon red diary and tucked it under her pillow. You fluffed your pillow, and rested your head. You stared up at the ceiling, letting your thoughts float. They were literally all about Akira. Him walking, him blinking. Him, looking at her... maybe a wink?

"Ahhugh!" Grabbing the pillow, you press it against your face, trying to suffocate yourself so you could finally stop thinking!

"God! Out of all the boys in school, it has to be him?!" You yell against the pillow. Thank god everyones asleep. Props that their heavy sleepers.

Well, good job. All your yelling woke up your cat. A pretty little persian, golden white that you adore calling 'Angel', even though her name is actually Angelica.

Sitting up from your depressing suffocating state, you look down at your meowing cat, pretty much telling you to shut up as her paws claw across your hard wood floor. Mewing helplessly, your hands find their way around her stomach.

"Aww, Angel, did I wake you princess?" You call cutely, shoveling her up into your bed.

"I'm sowwy. Here. Why don't you sleep her with momma?"

Angel meows in response, which you take as an assertive "Hell yeah." Setting down, you fix back your pillow, and keep your new alive cat pillow squished against you. Petting Angel lovingly, you whisper

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 28, 2018 ⏰

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