Sometimes happiness
Isn't really there in life
It is found in dreams.
Despair never leads,
It only follows sadness.
It is never short,
Like rain before a clear sky;
It is an eternity.
Always believe them,
Them with madness in their eyes;
For they may see truth.
It sometimes makes you tremble.
But, even so, it is real.
Magnificent, glorious
Wanted, needed, appreciated
Sunshine, happiness, sadness, storm
Hated, despised, rejected
Hidden, scary
Never regret a bad decision
That was made with the best intention.
Those with pure hearts, like yours or mine,
Make mistakes from time to time.
Be proud of what you've done,
In order to protect a loved one.
There are some times when
All we can do is cry out;
In sadness and fear,
Knowing that there aren't any
People to share our despair.