Is this Real?

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After we got a block or so away from the apartment I realized that Nox and I didn't have anywhere really to go. We didn't have a home or a trailer to go to. "Um.. Hey Nox where are we going? We don't have a place." He looked back at me, his smile slightly haunting in the dark. "Ah, Amy, Amy, Amy, you should know by now that I almost always have a plan." What that plan was he didn't seem to want to tell me. We walked along the sidewalk as it got dark. After walking and walking, for what seemed like forever, we suddenly stopped. A pit formed in my stomach, as I hadn't been to this house since my childhood. Nox looked at me. "Do you recognize this place?" I couldn't anwser due to the amount of fear and happiness filling me. Looking at the decreped home I remembered playing in the yard with my mum, and looking in the window I saw the spot where my mum and I would sit and watch the Wizard of Oz.

I stepped foward to the house and walked up its path. As I went I heard Nox's breath hitch. I continued on and as I got up to the big, white door, that now had scratches and was worn. I turned the knob and went in.

Stepping into the house I looked around. Everything looked uncleaned, covered in cobwebs and some windows broken. The street lamp outside made no improvement with lighting. The moon cast a slight bit of light into the home from the kitchen. I went foward and kept alert, not knowing what lied ahead now in the house.

I turned back and looked at Nox, right behind me. I opened my mouth to say...

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