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This book is about being Dateable. The how, the why, the when, the whole package. But before we get to that, we have to start at the beginning - with the passion. Passion isn't just a sexual thing. It's much bigger than that. Passion is your life. What you do and how you do it. It's what pushes you and makes you successful l. It's what drives people to fight for freedom, to give their lives for others, and to search for the cure for cancer. It's what makes warriors strong and princesses desirable. It's what makes your dreams a reality. Passion in the hands of a wise man or woman is the key to unlocking destiny, but passion abused is destruction, pain, and heartache.

Passion is fuel. When contained and used properly, it's the fuel that propels unimaginable feats. It propels a jet plane. It gets people to the moon. But the same passion, when used carelessly or for selfish endeavors, is explosive It can destroy you and everybody around you. The desired you have deep inside you can propel you to greatness or destroy your life in a single spark. If you can't control your passion, you can't control your future. So being Dateable is not about hooking up, it's about exposing your passion and discovering your destiny. A lot of what you'll read in these pages you're not going to like. But it's not about you, it's about how passion can become destructive and the power you have to redirect it for a greater purpose. So push through the hRd parts and let it sink in so it can ignite the passion within you that will change the world. What's your passion in life? What gets you totally cranked up? Each if us has been given a passion. The Creator has wired us with a burning desire deep within us. It has nothing to do with relationships. There is something we want to do-no, that we have to do. It could be teaching. It could be painting, writing, or building. It's different for everyone, but the desire is the same and it won't be ignored.

But so often we focus on our energy and our desire on someone else. A person. A crush. We never get to explore that destiny we were designed for because we're so busy trying to get someone to like us. We put our lives on hold because we think we will automatically accomplish all the great stuff when we get old. But the only reason we have to wait 'til we get old is that we're to just chasing hotties in high school or middle school. I have no doubt that most revolutionary things could have been done earlier if the people called to do them hadn't been messing around for so long. Just think about it. Get out a piece of paper tight now and write down everything you would love to do. Make it big stuff: write a book, find the cure for cancer, backpack across Europe, swim with dolphins, restore and old hot rod, play college ball. Write down all the stuff you want to do in life.

Now look at your list. You can do these things. I'm not saying it won't take a little effort-it will. But with the energy behind your passion and focus behind your mission, you can begin to accomplish the things on your list today. Don't let your plans get distracted by the search for love. Dream big dreams and trust the Planner of the universe to bring you your big love. You have a mission. If you choose to accept it, you will soar with eagles. You will walk and not grow weary. You will run and not faint. That will last! The relationship won't.


This book is not by me, it isn't very popular. All credits go to Justin Lookadoo and Hayley DiMarco. The writers of this boom have helped me so much. I hope you enjoy this book as much as I did.

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