Chapter 1

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The stage was set, a full venue of people screaming our name, it had been a tough road to follow, there where fights self-hate, tears the desire to quit at times but we were able to fight thought all of that, and in first roll she was there like she always had, beautiful as she always and with tears in her eyes. How did we get here you ask well to let me tell you the story of Christian and Bella but most important let me tell u the story of all she wrote 

 It was the first day of school in my junior year and to be honest I was not exited at all, how can u be in a school with a bunch of idiots than think popularity is all in the world, or even geniuses that think you're a fucking idiot because you don't know the theory of Riemann I was the ladder of the two  last year, what got me here u ask? well a break up..a really bad break up.. 

I woke up late as always and usually I would be freaking out because I was not going to be able to catch the bus but this year, I gave zero shits since I had just gotten my Nissan for my birthday. But I did have to worry about picking up my friend Jocelyn from her home. I quickly got dress like always in the usual, a black jacket with a emo or rock band shirt (today blink 182) a pair of black jeans and my Air Jordan ones which at this point were old as fuck but did I care? nope. 

I went downstairs to eat some breakfast and like always mom went to work early and Derrick was probably sleeping on his ass . A little backstory before we continue ,Derrick is my mom's boyfriend but his not my dad, my dad left when I was in middle  school  and I don't mean he left my mom I mean my mom left him after he lost his job in Brooklyn and we moved to California where she met  Derrick a good for nothing car sells men which clearly does not like me considering the son of a bitch tried sending me to study at Chicago during the summer .

I grabbed some coffee and walked to my garage which is where my car was as usual. I got out of the driveway and went to pick my friend JoJo up from her house. Me and JoJo had been friends since middle school but had fallen apart for a while when I was in a very toxic relationship that made me act like a dick to all of my friends , but she was there for Me when it ended and was able to forgive me for being  a dick to her and we became friends again. 

I pulled up to her driveway and there she was with her arms across which was a clear example of her telling me I fucked up. 

Jocelyn: seven ten u Dick, we are going to be late for school

Christian: Since when I have care about being early for school JoJo 

She laughs immediately Jocelyn: You excited to go back to school? she asked expecting a serious answer

Christian: really why would I be excited to go back to a place with a bunch of assholes that betrayed me after I broke up with Anna"(my ex).

Jocelyn: Well new year new you am I right she said with sarcasm that even I could hear.

Christian: Whatever u say Jocelyn

 I drove past the freeway and into the school parking, for my bad luck I was parked right next to the asshole we call Erick Edwards, New boyfriend of Anna, basketball captain and overall piece of shit.

Erick: Well look who it is Mr Christian Hernandez loser of the school the guy that lost his girl over the most stupid reason. I see u went back to hanging with your little friend there ooo how the mighty have fallen, u fucked up breaking up with Anna u nobody cause now I have her by my side and she knows what a real man is like.

Christian: Well, have fun with that I sure that will satisfy you tell her she can keep my hoodies and all the other cloths she had from me they were all cheap anyways how is she anyways I heard she was in such a depressing state that she has been crying her eyes out in several party's how sad don't u think. 

   Erick: o you got jokes don't u bitch, last time I saw you where the one that got dumped not the other way around said Erick getting in my face ready to start confrontation, confrontation of course that would end me kicking his bitch ass around this parking lot but thankfully Jojo grabbed my hand and pulled me away from him 

Jojo: its not worth it dude come let's keep moving

Erick: Yea Chris listen to your little girlfriend said Erick laughing as I flipped him off walking away with anna 

Jocelyn Well, that's progress my young friend at least we know Anna did not take your balls said Jojo with tone of sarcasm.

Christian: Can u tell me again why u dint let me kick his ass there and there

Jojo: What's that did I hear a thank u for saving me from getting expelled on the first day back because I wanted to beat that fucker's ass o you're welcome Chris it was my pleasure 

 So have u though on what I told u over the summer JoJo"I asked as we enter our home room, "What about us starting a band, I told u my dad won't let me, he thinks that is not a thing a young lady would do."Who is the young lady"I said as Jojo punched me in the shoulder,"jaja so funny u asshole".We set down on our chairs and waited until all the students came in when I saw her,a girl like I never seen before in my life........ 

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