Chapter 15: Darkness

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"Amaterasu, wake up."

"Did you not hear me?"

"Finally. You finally woke up."

"Where am I?" The purple haired girl adjusted her eyes to see her surroundings.

"You're actual body is unconscious. This you can say is in your mind."

"My mind? Is this all a dream?"

"Haha. No." Her facial features came to view, making (Y/n)'s (e/c) eye widen in shock. "This is my world." Her arms stretched out. Her features dropped with evilness. "This is also your world, (Y/n). Why don't you look at the position you are in?"

She looked. How could she never noticed? Her arms and legs were attached out and chained multiple times as if the person was afraid they she would escape. Her legs were elevated off of the ground as a thin metal brace tightly wrapped itself around (Y/n)'s neck. In the middle of the brace was a small white stone.

"What is this?" (Y/n) yelled. She tried to break free of the shackles, but it didn't work. All it created was an echo of the shackles hitting itself.

"About time you noticed." Her spirit-like body floated atop of (Y/n). "You got stabbed by the sword meant for dark Amaterasu— which is me. However, the evilness of dark Amaterasu was already expelled. So the sword in return has the opposite impact. Light and dark switches place. I've been here for quite a while now. Thank you, Amaterasu~" Her laugh resonated through out the dream-like world.

"I shall be in control of your body now~" (e/c) eyes on her facial features gave off a dark glint. Under her eye a dark sun mark appeared. The doppelgänger of (Y/n) gently touched her cheeks as a light sun mark appeared. "I will be sure to have fun. Especially with those despicable dragons." Her body floated so that her mouth was close to (Y/n)'s ear.



"Your highness!" A maid rushed into Soo-won's office.

"Don't you know to never enter without knocking?" Kye-sook scolded in a harsh tone.

"Is something wrong?" Soo-won narrowed his eyes.

"E-e-Empress.... H-has a-awoken!! B-but, she is acting s-strange," the maid uttered out between pants.


"When she woke up, a small black sun mark appeared below E-empress's eye.." the maid continued. "E-empress... is being held down to prevent her from committing a killing spree!"

"What?" Kye-sook covered his mouth with the king kimono like sleeves. Soo-won immediately grabbed his sword and exited his office with a serious look. It was not like (Y/n) at all to go on a killing spree on innocent people.

His heavy footsteps echoed throughout the long hallways of the castle, it was obvious that he was in a hurry. Soo-won's grip of his sword tightened when he heard the cries of soldiers and maids trying to talk sense into their empress. The Emperor slammed the door open to find many guards holding the empress down as well as maids with horrified faces getting all potential weapons away.

"So.. you have come..." the Empress sneered coldly. As if scoffing at their stupidity.

"You aren't like this. So why?"

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