MeEtiNg ThE gAnG

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before I start I wanna establish some things. you know how in every harem there's a flirty type, a nerd, a cool dude, a ignorant one and a childish (or shy) one, whelp I've already assigned characters:

Jeff: Ignorant and aggressive one.     BEN: flirt.     LJ: the happy-go-lucky one.

EJ: cool, some-what nerdy.     masky & hoodie:  the silent type(s).     Toby: the childish one

after fighting with Jeff  he took  me deeper into the woods where the trees were so thick that I could barely breath. (Y/S/N) was kicking and punching my back desperately trying to get away, but since he was young it was like nothing.

"So does slender really live in a mansion? Or was tat just something created by fans." I ask trying to break the awkward silence between us.

"Well yeah but its a bit different. Not all of the creepypastas as you call us, live with him just a select few. The others have to live in there own houses with there own leaders, you see its like any other organisation we have a leader and main area, but some of the other creepypastas live in smaller groups and do the same thing." Jeff explains as he looks over to me to see that i was staring right at him, he was surprised by how intrigued about how everything worked around here, he looked ahead again and started to explain further. 

"Uhh, for example puppeteer is in carge of; Sally, Sonic, Tails, Jane and some others." I could see him cringe at the mention of Jane and I giggled, but not an evil or fake laugh, it was completely genuine. I thought it was amusing how much they hated each other but they can never stop thinking about each other... Now I understand what the shippers meant. 

"What's so funny huh?! you trin'a pick a another fight?!" Jeff assumes as he stops walking and glares at me. I look back at him and smile, this is the first time in a while since I've actually felt happy. I giggle again at the thought of happiness. 

"No, that's not it. I just thought you looked pretty cute for a seconded there." I say calmly and started to walk forward again. Jeff blushed and ran up to me to walk by my side again.

"Wait, you better not be another one of those fangirls, cause I wouldn't think twice about killing you."  He was sightly shocked about my comment and it was obvious. 

"HA! Like I would ever fangirl over you! Besides those girls are just lonely, horny, obsessed, bastards, if they ever actually met you they would probably quiver in fear and beg for their life." (please take no offence to this!! i'm a fangirl too... just not for jeff. but if you do, yell at me in the comments and I'll get rid of it.) I say as I cross my arms, I always disapproved of girls fangirling over the fluff that people made. I was always about the murder, gore and the heartbreaking back stories. After walking for about twenty minutes I saw something in the distance... Oh my god we're finally here! Its slender mansion! I look over to Jeff and then look back at the mansion. If this is a dream never wake me up! I start to speed walk towards the mansion, Jeff noticed this and started running ahead. 

"Race you there!" Jeff yelled out to me as he rushed passed my side and was speeding towards the mansion, But what he didn't know is that I was running champ for 5 years straight. I suddenly start running, I've never been able to sprint start so I was slow at first but once I gained speed I passed Jeff in no time at all. I stoped on the porch of the mansion and waited for Jeff to catch up, I was slightly panting but not too hard. once Jeff caught up he was completely out of breath and he was bending over to take a rest.

"What took you so long?" I say in a sassy tone looking down at the exhausted man. Jeff lets out a heavy sigh and stands straight again.

"How the hell? I know slender said your fast, but jeez." he blurts out with a confused face. I just smile at him and say

"Practise makes perfect." I look over at the door behind me I could here someone laughing, Jeff walks over to the door.

"Yeah, well that's exactly what your gonna do." he pushes open the door to reveal BEN sitting in front of a t.v playing the walking dead and he just died so he was throwing a tantrum and LJ was laughing at him for dying on such a low level. (don't judge me if that game doesn't have levels I haven't played it.) I walked in and they both stoped and stared at me, they kinda looked shocked that I was here.

"Uhhh, hi?" I say a little flustered and confused to why they are staring at me. Suddenly BEN gets up and walks over to me looking me up and down.

"Umm you right there?" I ask a little annoyed at his actions, he just ignores me and looks to Jeff.

"Did she really beat you?" is voice was quite confused until he spoke once again.                                 "Or did you just give in 'cause she's so sexy?" WHAT!? I knew he was just checking me out! 

"Excuse me!?" Angered by his words I slap him and step away to create some respectable distance between us, he rubs his cheek even though de didn't seem to be affected by it.

"Wow.... You really don't have any muscles." he says bluntly as he looks over at Jeff with another confused face, Jeff just shrugs and looks back at me.

"She's fast." He says and heads further into the house leaving me with BEN and LJ. LJ gets up and walks over to me. My god he is tall.

"Hello there, my name is-" I instantly cut him off not wanting to go through this.

"Laughing Jack, yeah I know and that ass is BEN, I'm (Y/N)." I say as I angrily glare at the link cosplayer. LJ just laughed per-usual. and BEN made a sarcastically offended face putting his hand over his heart and leaving his mouth agape.

"Watch  it ben you might end up choking on a knife." someone says from the hall way. I look over to see jeff, EJ and the three proxies behind him. I giggle a little as I see BEN immediately close his mouth. "Uhhh, hey newbie, what's that?" EJ questions as he points across the room at a now passed out (Y/S/N). 

"Oh! I almost forgot, this is for slender."  I say as I pick them up by the ropes once again and walk over to them. "So, where is he?" I ask as calmly as possible I was a little frightened of slenderman, I can deal with the humans and the freaks/demons but slender was different. 

"Up those stairs and the black door at the end of the hall." masky said as hoodie pointed to where masky was refiring to. I quickly thank them and head towards Slender's office. this was it I'm finally gonna join the creepypastas.

(wow 1209 words!! hope you liked it, once again feedback is always welcome, i know i need it so don't hesitate to comments about my shit grammar!)

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