Chapter 6 - Cuddles

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"(Y/N)?" Ezio's voice echoed from the front door.

I sat in my room on the roof, in the dark, no candles on, with a nightgown on and wrapped up in my blanket softly sobbing.

Im so screwed. I have to kill Ezio, but dont have the gits to do it. im a failure to my father!



-Ezio: 15, (Y/N): 14-

I sat in the room, looking over at the other side of the room. Ezio climbed through the window, "Whats up?" he asked, getting his foot stuck in the window sill.

"Im bored..." I sigh in frustration as he pulled his foot and yanked it out, falling back on his ass followed by a small whimper, I giggle a little.

"That hurt! you need a bigger window!" He complained

"You need to learn how to use doors" I laughed

He smirked, rolling his eyes, "How long have you been in here?"

"About an hour" I sigh

"Just looking in the mirror?!" He flinched at the thought

"yeah... I dont know..." I sighed

"You look down. what happened?" He asked, sitting down next to me and curling up as if he was exhausted.

I sigh, "Nothing... its just Vieri." 

he straightens up, "What did the bastard do!?" He spat as if looking for a reason to fight him.

"He and his girlfriend... they..." I huffed... looking into the mirror as their words stained my ears.

"What!? WHAT DID THEY DO." he said more firmly and pissed

"They said I was really fat and ugly... and a--" I started to tear up. 

He softened his body language and softly wrapped his arms around me, hushing me, "Calm down... breath, come on" 

"They called me a whore..." I sobbed into his shoulder, he rubbed my back.

He sighed softly, "Im pregnant" He replied, with a giggle

I pause, pulling back from the hug, "What?" I smirked at the statement

"I thought we were stating things that will never happen?" he smiled. I giggle, I will believe Ezio on anything.

-present day-

"Hey? (Y/N)?" He asked.

"G-Go away" I hissed, starting to hyperventilate. 

"h-hey!" He said, popping through the window, "Whats going on? why are you crying?" he asked

I hid my face with my knees, "Get out!"

"No." He replied firmly, walking over to me, "Whats up?" 

"I-- I don't want to k- k-" I started to hyperventilate even more, he just nodded, not understanding what I was trying to tell him and he just came up and hugged me, "Breath first, weirdo, you might suffocate" he laughed, trying to lighten the mood, I hid a smirk into his broad shoulder at that, still trying to control my crying.

A few moments later he started to lighten the mood a little, making me crack some smiles. gosh, I need this man in my life. now.

"So... what made you cry this morning? if its Vieri I will be up his ass in seconds!" he cursed

"It's not... Vieri..." I sighed.

"Then what?"

I paused, he would kill me if he knew... I need an excuse besides it, "My father died..." I added I didn't cry, I had already balled my eyes out in front of Ezio.

"Oh..." he sighed, "I'm sorry for not leaving when you said to-- it's just--"

"No! no... thank you for not leaving." I smile, "I don't mean a lot of things I say"

He smiles, "I figured" 

"Its getting dark, you should go home," I said, rubbing his shoulder, he did look exhausted

"I just chased you across town, im not walking all the way back home." He laughed

"Sorry," I mumbled

"Dont be" he smiled, "But you have to lend me a place to stay the night"

"Well... my father has just passed, you can take his room--"

"no, that would be a little disrespectful, I guess. since his passing being so fresh, I don't want to touch anything." 

"Then you can stay in my bed, I guess?" I offer

"Why not" He smiles, "I hope im not in your hair"

"since when did you hope that?" I laughed, he smirks, giving me a hug.

"Stay strong, weirdo" He chuckled, he went to untie his hair, but it was knotted in the ribbon.

I snorted, looking at how stupid it was, "Shut up..." he sighed, yanking on his hair.

"Hold on!" I giggled, "You're going to pull it out of your skull like that!" I warned, he paused at that, gulping, "I'm not serious, weirdo" I laughed, he smirked as I gently untangled his hair.

Before giving him his ribbon, I ran my hand through his nice hair, messing it up.

"hey! I spent time on that!" He scolded, snatching the ribbon and screwing it into his pocket, I giggled.

-Ezio's POV-

-the next morning-

I found myself in (Y/N)'s bed. It was comfortable. I look over at her, I must have spooned her and she turned around in her sleep because now she is in my arms, she looked too peaceful to wake up.

I pull my hand off her shoulder and gently pulled some hair out of her face, tucking it behind her ear. 

After some time of me laying still, trying not to wake up sleeping beauty, she started to wake up.

Perfect time now.

I put my hand in her hair and messed it up even more, "H-hey! Ezio!" She scowled, fixing her hair out of her face, I got up and bolted around the room as she chased me.

"You do it to me all the time!" he chuckled

"Come back here!" She hissed, chasing me down the hallway laughing.

Just like old times.

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