Reservoir on Lua: Grimaldi

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She who is made of porcelain and eyes that shine of liquid gold whose body is so delicate, that the lightest touch could bruise the skin, lays under a suit of black leather ment to protect the delicate girl beneath. Lying inside a metallic pod cased in gold. A lone suit of armor kneeled below her, held up by a platform. The armor kneeled stares at the ground of the sleeping chamber, smoke of the color hue blue slithers around her frame. Behind it silvery blue wings of the strangest energy shine, the smoke slithering its way around them.
Her Name is Orelia. Her Kneeled Armor is Nemesis.
Zariman Ten Zeno, 13 years ago she sat in a seat with a man, woman and two small little boys. Her family, but after the accident no one had a family. The Zariman Ten Zero had an accident during a void jump accent exposing the families and everyone aboard the ship to void energies which changed everyone forever. Some for good, others in ways that could never be fixed. Parents turned on children and then on each other, fights broke out that only the scared children survived. Powers, beyond anything, gifted and feared. The Zariman Ten Zero exited the void space and was recovered years later but the children who were left inside never understood what happened. They had lost their minds, and together they built a makeshift prison for everyone inside.
Once discovered, the children were then taken and experimented on and because of the gift's they were given, lashed out on everything that hurt them or made them feel scared. Orelia, sibling of her two younger brothers held though and cared for them in ways even her parents couldn't have. The oldest child among the survivors  of the Zariman, loved her siblings and reviled in causing any pain on those who hurt them. But even Orelia couldn't control the accidental breaking and she too fell under the fear of touching and interacting with others. But then there was Margulis a woman who was hurt more than anyone and ended up dead after working with the children. Discovered that in the sleep of the children, their dreams they could control their outbursts and they found peace and it was her who brought them closer than even them themselves could. She sang to them and even when she was blinded and hurt she loved them as a sergeant mother. Later the pods for the children were placed in a place known as the Reservoir located on the moon. Margulis was executed for trying to protect the children and her work stolen then used to create a process known as transference which will later be used to operate creations of war, suits of armor bred and created for destruction, used to win wars and give power to the orkin. From then on The lost children became known as "Tenno" learned the ways of war and ways to control their powers to become a focus. Together they turned the tide against the sentients and allowed them to destroy anything against the orkin. But under the nose of the people who taught them everything they knew, the children stuck once the battles seemed done and wiped even the orkin off from the face. The children became the downfall of the great empire. With the Orkin gone the sentients already had a plan to infiltrate the orkin and destroy the dreaming children. The agent sent on the Task, Natah soon fell in love with the children and became close to them. The children she was sent to Destroy and just like Margulis she became the sergeant mother and betrayed her own kind and used the powers she had to hide the orkin reservoir containing the children in the void to hide them from the Sentients. And any of the suits, which will later become known as "Warframes" were scattered across the origin system were put to sleep in cryostasis. Which in return the remaining children slept. And Natah became their guardian and Mother "Lotus" She watches over the sleeping children till they wake. In return erasing anything and everything with time in Cryostasis.

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