Chapter 1.5 Raza

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—#AuthorsNote: The story takes place from many different points of view and has many different characters. Well guys here's chapter 1.5!#—

Chapter 1.5  Raza
"The Sentient Hunhow has grown strong again, and his thoughts have invaded my own. Worse still, he has enlisted the Stalker to find the Reservoir, a weak point of all Tenno, a place I hid long ago. I fear the Stalker is at the cusp of finding this place. Do not let this happen."
    A warframe is settled at a navigation center outside Umbriel, Uranus. His mind settling and listening to the destruction on the radio space link. To other Warframes being set to this location to pull out the Lotus' commands. The Nekros sits silently waiting for a Grineer ship to lock into the loading bay to get into the ship and start the mission to gather information about this 'Hunhow'. Lotus explained there are some dire weakness to the Tenno that this Hunhow is trying to find. Dearil plans on finding out what it all means. A spy mission, nothing that will be too hard for him. Having his ship Cephalon land him secretly onto an area secluded and he slips carefully to the loading bay. His Tigris Prime beside him and his Galatine close by his side. The Shade floats above his head ready to aid him if need be. He slips rather easy past the
Grineer ship men into the base towards the mission objective ready to start it. Three Data vaults need to be hacked and raided in order to get the information needed to stop Hunhow. He moves effortlessly towards the first objective taking down any grineer in hi way and resurrecting the dead to help him on his way. When arriving at the first vault he dismisses his minions and then looks up at his shade. "Keep me hidden until I get what I'm here for." His deep velvet covered voice sounds to the shade which hides him from the eyes of the enemies and he hacks the console quickly opening the door to the T shaped hallway and the water underground tunnels to enter the secured room. The fans blowing water currents into security lazor walls. Dearil cleared the lasers out and then the fan boxes in order to work his way towards the room. 15 minutes of clearing the way he makes it to the room.
Grineer stand around taking notes and patrolling. Dearil walks up hidden and hacks the console taking the information. "The Grineer expedition has uncovered pieces of Hunhow. Fragments of his body for Hunhow, every part of him is connected to his singular mind. Is this how Hunhow is invading my mind?" Lotus' voice sounds softly over the link they share.  "Interesting Lotus. We'll Figure it out. Moving to the next console."  He uncloaks when he exits the area and presses on to the next. He kills Grineer on the way and shows up at another place and the shade cloaks him. Dismissing his Undead again he hacks the console and enters the rounded 4 story room with sentries watching, scanning the large room. Grineer are watching on high alert because of the last room being hacked. Others are unaware of Dearil stalking them when they are dragged into corners and assassinated quickly while he avoids the sentries. Discovering the electric lasers he finds the water tubes and shoots them to break them, rising the water level destroying the electric machines shutting them off. He continues his sabotage until he came to the top of the pillar containing the console which he hacked and gathered the information. "This data vault has already be raided, the data is damaged but there still could be a message to decode." He hums and looks about. "Thank you Lotus.. Defeats the purpose but I'm heading to the last vault."   Dearil replied to her softly before taking off into a run towards the last vault. His movement easy and effortless. Making it to his last vault easy enough and finding the opening in the ceiling without fail. Once he makes it into the place he discovers that the alarms have been triggered and he dashes past the lasers to the exit towards the control center. Landing on a Grineer lancer and throwing them against a wall before getting to the last console and taking a sypher out jabbing it into the console instantly hacking the thing. "That's what i was looking for. Now I can do the rest.. . . This is Bizarre, its ... for me? I need a moment to contact this person. Get to extraction." Growling lowly in his throat her lashes out at the enemies in the room. Terrifying them Into submission then rushes out of the room towards the extraction point. Making there in time his Cephalon picks him up and the ship speeds off away from the point. Nekros rushes up to his navigation to see what Lotus has to say.     
    Cressida, Uranus
"Why You  Know I've always Had My Ear To the Kennel.Those dogs don't have a clue what kind of bone they have dug up. But I do.  Shall I Show you? Don't Worry, you can trust me. This time."
Nekros Arrived back on Uranus, looking around this place for something of an artifact. "Alad. I'm only doing as you say because of the mission. Nothing more." He follows the coordinates Alad V leaves him and kills many grineer on the way and in return create many of his minions to protect The shadows shining and glittering with the souls of the deceased while they fight with just as much demonoir they did before they died. Glittering the silverish and slightly red offish color as they move around and fight. Nekros wonders off to the marker Alad V put on his map. Once he arrives at a locked door spends some time unlocking the annoying console. The door opens to a tunnel filled with water, without a care in the world he dives on in, coming to a room with a excavator and Grineer marines protecting it.  "This is the place, these dogs are still looking for the bone. Looks like stalker has made a pretty powerful friend hasn't he?" With a low growl the Nekros agrees with the mad man. "I wouldn't like to think so. But looks like he might of."  He slips past the patrol to look around the site. "Warmer." The frame stops by a rock. "You know where this is and you're making me look for it?" He sounds irritated at the comment. 'What fun would that be?" Alad V Sounds smug under the static of the link. "This is a waste of time. A waste of my time, more like it." Nekros hushes before continuing to look around the area for the 'artifact' Alad V claims is there.  "Very warm, I'm surprised you are getting this close so quick."  Nekros quickly comes about a tunnel that seems to be carved out by erosion, the currents of uranus carving the tunnel for the underground tides. He discovers a wall that seems to be made of fallen rocks and debris. Going back to the area the Grinner seem to be standing around he snags one of the underwater mines and carefully moves it to the wall backing up them shooting it, breaking the blockade. Behind the blockade Dearil finds a very open empty room seeming to be untouched by time. Let there under the deep waters of the planet. The walls are a soft limestone and the floors covered by organic greens.     "This is it. You're on fire my dead friend."  Above Dearil the water's surface glows a dim gold. Dearil slowly swims to the surface breaking it and covering him in a thin layer of gold dust that sticks to his body. He pulls himself out of the water locating the said 'artifact'. He walks up and yanks the glowing gold crystal out of it.  I see the stalker, Hunhow's voice deep within him. The void? I hear talking, screaming. Dearil drops the crystal looking down at it. "What was that?.." The ringing in his head causes him to drop to his knees. "Lotus!" The lone sound of lotus enters the link cutting Alad V off and causing minor concern for both parties. "What have I done?.. Get out of there, Tenno.." Dearil stands carefully before getting back to the water and heading towards the exit. His vision is inverted, behind him the grineer find the area he escapes from.
"It hurts and burns. Deep inside me I feel it growing, Margulas! I can't help it! I touch them and they hurt, plants die when I touch them! What's wrong with me?!" A young voice claims frustrated and terrified. "My child, it isn't a curse. It's a gift, you're special and have the means to change things. You can do so much with your gift, how you use it is what matters." A woman replies with a voice soft and caring. Love is expressed in every word and syllable. Smooth. "I can't! What gift kills things? I'm afraid to help anything. I'm scared..."  Clear sobbing and the sound of a glass object is heard breaking. "Raza! Please, Son it's okay. You didn't mean too, It's the way of life. Things come and go... please." Her voice breaks at the end of her sentence. "I'll try... But It'll happen again. The plants will die, I'll hurt someone. I can't control it, I get excited." He replies to her angrily. "Well use that excitement to help your brothers and sisters. Some of them could use it..." The sounds fade off and become more quiet.
Dearil is floating outside of extraction, staring off at the tunnel he just escaped confused, Ordis awaits him a kilo north and he can see the marker has just showed up on the map. Not needing it and his mind full of wonder he swims off to extraction undetected by enemies. He arrives at the ship and extracts. The water rolls off of him effortlessly when he enters the load in bay. "Ordis, Set course for Neso Neptune. I can feel something is there. Lotus is hiding something from me."  Dearil hums to the Cephalon carefully. The Cephalon sets the course without a second question. "oh of course, Operator. Ordis will get right on that."  Nekros looks at the gold dust upon his armor, runs his fingers through it and even attempts to rub it off with a rag. Nothing he does gets the almost powdery substance off of his body.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 29, 2018 ⏰

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