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"He's more myself than I am. Whatever our souls are made of, his and mine are the great thought in living is himself. If all else perished, and he remained, I should still continue to be; and if all else remained, and he were annihilated, the universe would turn to a mighty stranger. I should not seem a part of it."

I put my book down on my lap, leaned forward as I gently touch the handle of my mug. I lifted it slowly then, my lower lip carefully touch the warm ceramic.

I slowly sip my caramel macchiato, savoring the taste of the blended milk and vanilla-flavored syrup, marked with espresso. My lip partially streaked with the caramel drizzle which topped the drink.

I relief my stress from the university by chilling in my favorite spot at my favorite coffee shop. With the book in my hand, a plate of dessert and a cup of coffee, any bad thoughts and stressing worries would just disappear, even for just a while. But I skipped a cake today.

Remembering the passage I have read, I wonder, how it's like to really feel so in love, to the point like you see the person as yourself and that your whole world will crumble once you lose that person.

I've read countless stories with sad endings where the lovers aren't together in the end like A Walk to Remember and The Fault in Our Stars, but it never made me think that love is scary.

I actually yearn to experience and feel the same love as the heroines have felt. But of course, I'd like to have a happy ending.

The chime of the shop's door tingles. Out of reflex, I immediately look to see the person coming in.

And it's him. My sunbae.

An hour passed after noon, he would always come here. He always orders a large Iced Caffé Americano with five shots of espresso. He always needs extra caffeine.

He sits at the couch across the counter and waits until his drink came.

I never knew his name. I just knew he's a sunbae and that he's been coming here at a specific time and day and orders the same drink for the past month.

I know he doesn't know I exist but I've come to admire him. Well, he's attractive of course. But there's something more to him when I look at his eyes. Or maybe I just think like that because he's attractive.

I stared at how he rolled his sleeve and pull out his phone from his pocket.

Unexpectedly, he looked my way which instantly sends electricity all over my body making my back stiff.

Oh gosh! I forgot I'm staring.

He smiled softly and gave a nod. I did the same then put my cup down back on the table and pretend to read while I covered my face with the book.

I tried to read the next paragraph but I don't understand it. I read the same paragraph, again. I still couldn't understand it. It's like my book suddenly became written in a different language.

I can't concentrate. My heart was pounding hard and I feel my cheeks turn hot.

I couldn't help but lower my book and peek at him.

I saw him standing at the counter again, talking. Then, he pull out his wallet and paid.

Another order?

The staff then handed him his drink then he turned and walk towards the door. The chime tingles again but before he was able to fully close it, he turned his head and look back at me.

At that brief moment, my admiration immediately turned to a crush, a major crush.

I know it's sudden but with just one look in his eyes, I felt really happy. I'm ecstatic.

I breathe out of relief of being stiff when he finally disappeared.

But what was the second payment for?

One of the female staff, Wendy then came out with a slice of Strawberry Ferrero Cake on a plate.

She also studies at the same university as I am and works part-time in this Caffé. We became friends instantly and she's one of the reasons why I became a regular customer. I always love to chat with her.

She walks towards me and put the plate on my table.

"I didn't order a cake today, Wendy," I asked looking confused at her.

"I know." She answered, sniggering.

"Is this on the house again? Thank you but you didn't have to." I politely refused.

"Not it's not. But it's your favorite right?"

"Yeah. Umm, then why are you giving this to me?"

"It's already been paid for. Did you notice the last customer who ordered Iced Americano?" She asked while a playful smirk that forms on her lips. I nodded in response 'cause that person just made my heart flutter a while ago.

"I'm instructed to give this to the girl reading Wuthering Heights. I don't see any girl here reading that book but you." She continued.

My heart flutters again as I look at the cake in front of me.

"I noticed he's been checking you out for the past few weeks. I didn't tell you about this but whenever he's here, he would always turn his eyes on you after ordering... We'll then, I'll chat with you later on my break." She said giggling then returned to the counter.

I got my cup again and sip my coffee nervously, keeping my gaze at the cake.

I don't want to eat it. I wanna preserve it.

My heart starts fluttering again. It's my first time to have actually felt like literal butterflies are in my stomach.

I was just thinking of how it would feel like to really fall in love. Reading romance novels have affected me so much that I start to drift off to a fantasy of about him and me like in those I've been reading about.

I feel so fluffy as I cup my cheeks, eyes locked on the cake in front of me.

I sighed out loud and whispered, "So this is what melting feels like."

☕ ☕ ☕

This has been in my drafts even before I started Left Behind and I tweaked it a bit. Ha ha ha *nervous laughing

I still have a lot on my plate yet I'm adding more to it. 😅

I wanted it to be Lisa but after reading this again, Rosé fits the role chos! She's my biased if it isn't that obvious.

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