Part 25 { Wonder }

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Lucy got home Layla ask:

Layla:  Where have you been you left you car here

Lucy:  I just Went to park

Layla:  Did you walk?

Lucy:  yes I am

Layla:  how's the school??

Lucy:  umm it's fine I'm going  upstairs now

( Lucy go to upstairs then go to her room then sit on bed then think )

Lucy was wonder Why Gray save her Why Gray followed her Why Gray start the awkward conversation..

Lucy:  C'mon What is the meaning Of that shit!!

( Gray got home but looks like confused )

Grassy ask:  so what happened to the awkward class??

Gray:  mom Lucy left me because she loves me and she don't want Me to get hurt by her father I think that's the reason Why she left me I'm so confused I talk to her at park but the only thing she said was She don't want me to get hurt by her father mom what's going on.

Grassy: Why Are you so confused

Gray:  Nothing

Grassy:  * laugh * I can feel your heart Gray you still love her

Gray:  mom I'm going upstairs now..

( Gray go to upstairs go to his room Nat's was calling Gray answered it )

Gray:  yo frienemies how's going

Natsu : so how's the school?? I think nextyear I'm gonna transfer on there

Gray:  oh that's great dude Lucy was in NYC High and she was one of my classmate I talk to her earlier at park Why she left me the only thing she said is she don't want me to get hurt by her father I think the reason is she loves me and she don't want me to get hurt.. dude I'm confused

Natsu:  Your confused and you were thinking her that's mean you still love her c'mon dude Admit it u love her Alot more than yui

Gray:  Shut up *tap the called ended*

( Gray can't sleep because he was thinking Lucy )

( next day at school )

Gray was with yui Gray saw Lucy walking Gray was looking at her Yui Shouted at him:  Gray!!!!!!  ARE YOU LISTENING TO ME!!

Gray:  what what Yeah sorry..

( while Gray stopped looking Lucy now stair at him Gray can't stop look at her now Gray start again to stair at her Now they're looking each other Lucy smiles at him gray smiles too Yui looked at them yui said:  Gray!!  Let's goo..

Gray stop looking and Lucy stopped to


wait for the next part hahaha

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