Chapter Four - Not Lost, Just Problems To Solve

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Did they really disappear or that they are just enjoying their time without their friends? Who and why? But was that really the case?

By BigHit's entrance door, Mai Cheng stood there with Eun Jae.

Soon finally after all of the stress, Mai Cheng finally found Sunshine and Mai Mao. "Where the heck were you guys!?" Mai Cheng scolds them.

"Ummmm. . . eating food with J-hope?," Sunshine shrugged.

Mai Mao rolled her eyes, holding in her laugh.

"What's for dinner?" she added.

Mai Cheng held in her anger. "After all the call and ask about food?" Mai Cheng makes the plain face.

"Sorry, what calls?" Sunshine stared at her guide. He hesitated,

"I-I told you. . . but then you went off with J-hope" he stumbled.

Mai Mao glared at her guide.

"What about ours!?" she barked at him.

"I. . . uh. . . well," he checked his phone. Then it beeped. "Oh. . . i uh. . . turned it on silent mode" he mumbled.

Sunshine ignored Mai Mao beating up her own guide and ran towards Mai Cheng, grabbing a hold of her.

"BEST FRIEND!! I MISSED YOU!!" Sunshine screamed.

Mai Cheng took a step back from Sunshine and she fell onto the ground.

"OOWWW" she winced as her forehead turned red.

Her guide tried not to laugh and covered his mouth.

Meanwhile, Mai Mao was to busy beating her own guide up to notice Sunshine's epic fall.

Suddenly they heard a scream from outside. Jacinda ran out of a steely sports car and screeched, "OMIGOSHHH, GUYS MY MAKEUP IS RUINED!!" she cried out bitterly, her eyeliner smeared and everywhere on her face. They gaped at her in shock, trying not to cringe at her messed up makeup entrance.

"JACINDA!!!" shouted Sunshine finally, jumping up from her big fall.

"SUNSHINE!!!" Jacinda rushed in and hugged Sunshine.

"FINALLY SOMEONE HUGS ME!!" she shouted happily, eyeing Mai Mao and Mai Cheng.

"OMIGOSH, IT'S LYNN!!!" Jacinda screeched, pointing outside.

"AND PA KOU" shouted Sunshine.

"And Pa Lia" stated Mai Mao boredly, trying not to suppress a smile.

"AND CINDY!!," screamed Mai Cheng in relief. "How did they get here all in one bunch?," she asked herself, but she sure was happy to see them.

In the speed of light, Julianna entered with her guide. Everybody hugged each other happily. But there was a sudden hesitation. "Where's Ealy and Gao?" Julianna saddens.

"We might just have to wait a bit.." Mai Cheng looks at the entrance, hoping for the two of them to enter.

Later, after 1 hour, dawn was passing by, and the girls were getting exhausted. The staffs of BigHit kicked them all out and they were standing in the dark starry sky. "Hey's getting late, are you sure you still want to wait?" Eun Jae shivers a bit by the breeze.

"Just a bit more.." Mai Cheng didn't lose hope.

"Mai Cheng, think about it....they could be anywhere..we should take shelter.." Pa Lia comforted her.

"Okay let's go.." Mai Cheng sighs sadly.

Eun Jae brought the girls and their guides with her to her house since her house was closer.

"You girls should rest, I'll contact the other two to come to my house" Eun Jae closes the door.

"The guest rooms are over there and up the stairs..please relax and rest well.." Eun Jae smiles while the girls go up the stairs one by one.

The night passes by meanwhile the day goes shifty onto the next day.

Next Morning

"Have you contacted Hyejin and Rayoon?" Jacinda's guide asked in korean.

"I did, both of them, but no responses.." Eun Jae sets up the food for breakfast.

"Well, we shouldn't just give up right? The girls won't be that happy!" he responded back.

"Yeah.." Eun Jae finishes washing her hands.

Before they start talking again, Sunshine woke up all fresh and new. "What're you guys talking about?" she smiles by the stairs.

"Uh, just random things..can you please wake the girls up?" Eun Jae smiles, "tell them there's food too!"

"WAKE UP!!" Sunshine screamed throughout the whole room.

"Ahh!! Why so loud!!" Jacinda screams at the wall.

"JACINDA!!" Lynn shouted, "YOU STOP SCREAMING SO LOUD-" Lynn reached to hit her, but slips off the bed kicking Pa Kou off the bed as well.

Falling on top of Mai Cheng, Mai Cheng moved them all away from her and went to the bathroom, but it was lock.

"This bathroom!" Mai Cheng mumbles to herself.

Suddenly Mai Mao opens the bathroom door and it appears she was brushing her hair, "What.." she replied back to them all.

"UGH!" Jacinda groaned, "I have to do my makeup! Move out Lynn!" She pushes Lynn away, making her crush Pa Kou with Julianna.

"Ahh! You guys are so heavy!~" Julianna whined under the two.

Lynn just weakly giggled and went back to sleep.

Pa Kou was laying silently over Julianna with Lynn over her.

Sunshine just stood there awkwardly, then she started to giggle at what she had just caused them all do.

Pa Lia just giggled and stood up to go to the bathroom.

I don't even wanna know what happened~

They all went downstairs and ate the breakfast Eun Jae made. "Hey..what happened? I heard dying ducks!" Eun Jae whispers to Sunshine.

Sunshine just smiled innocently, still filling her mouth with food, "Nothing..just girl problems!" she took a sip of water.

"I guess!" Eun Jae puts down her chopsticks.

They all finished the food and started to call their parents.

"Hello? Mom?" Mai Cheng was relieved she picked up the phone, "I miss you, please don't worry, we'll be back soon!" Mai Cheng says her morning greetings to her mom and ended the call.

"We just have to-" as the front door opened before Mai Cheng's words.

"GAO!?" Everyone blurts out.

"Ugh..long story you guys!" Gao looks at their reactions already knowing what they'll ask.

They were eying her clothes and her hair, everything One her looked so messed up.

"Hi!" Rayoon pokes his head from behind of Gao.

"No one cares about you!" Gao jabbed him in the stomach.

He winced and groaned in pain. "So...can I take a shower?" Gao looks at her clothes.

"Sure, yeah go ahead!" Eun Jae was speechless, while everyone was about to burst at Gao fantastic hit.

After Gao went up, the girls whispered, "Oh my god! I didn't know Gao can stab people!" Pa Kou stated.

"Me neither!" Julianna smiled about to giggle.

"Well that's one!" Mai Cheng brightens a bit.

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