Chapter 2

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Jeff mumbled obscenities under his breath as he eyed the uniformed man. Taking a few steps back, he bumped into a display case; in turn, knocking it over andcatching the police officers attention for a minute. A minute that was plenty enough for Jeff to make a break to the bathroom. He didn't get far before the shots were fired and he was ducking for cover. He winced as a bullet grazed his arm and he bit his lip to keep from yelling out. 

   When he reached the bathroom he slammed into the door, stumbling in and heading straight for the stall he left Ben in. He opened the stall and grabbed the smaller boy, holding his body tightly as he approached the mirror. As he took the necassary steps to get back to the underrealm his eyes darted from the mirror to the door. It only took a few seconds before he could dissapear through the mirror to safety but his nervousness was getting the best of him. The killer got himself through the mirror, still clutching Bens small frame towards his chest and took a deep breath.

   Looking around, he set Ben on the ground gently. Jeff lifted up his tunic, examining the bruising on his chest and stomach. He lifted it all the way off, sliding the belts off also. The lack of heat emitting off of Bens body was painfully obvious when Jeff slid his hands under Bens body and lifted him up again. 'He's a ghost, ghosts don't produce body heat' he thought to himself, over and over again. He quickly walked to the house near where they were, thanking every higher being that he still knew how to get through mirrors near the spot he wanted. Luckily, the door wasn't locked when Jeff so rudely barged right in.

"Ms. P?! Are you home?" He called out into the well-lit house. For being a psychopathic murderer, Ms.P kept a surprisingly homely home.

"Yes, I'm right here." The tall lady emerged out of a doorway, smiling when she saw Jeff. When her eyes met the body of Ben her smile quickly faded, "Jeff...what happened?"

   Jeff explained everything that happened, well what happened since he found the ghost in the alley, "I suspect some hunter caught wind of him and hunted him down."

   Ms.P nodded in understanding, "Bring him to the couch, I can properly work on him over there." 

   The tall boy nodded and quickly got Ben to the couch, where he layed him down. Ms.P walked over to the couch and looked at the boys wounds. She ran a finger over the bruises lightly, frowning as she did this. She cupped Bens face in her hands and whispered a spell. Instantly Ben shot up, his eyes wide. Yet he fell back on the couch almost as quickly as he shot up, with a pained groan. 

   "Ow.. What the hell..." Ben said quietly, squeezing his eyes shut in pain.

   "Sorry Ben, but you need to be awake when I do this." Ms. P retorted as she quickly pressed her hand down with all her strength  against Bens broken rib.
   A startled and pained yell slipped out of Bens mouth. Tears falling out of his eyes at the horrible pain in his chest. "Stop..." was all he managed to choke out until suddenly, all the pain was gona and her hand had left his body. The ghost blinked in confusion and looked up at her, "What did you do?"

   "Just a spell, you're okay now. Your only other injury is a bruise on your side, no reason to use magic on that though, it will heal on its own." She smiled down at him as he sat up on the couch and wiped his eyes.

   "So... where's my tunic exactly?" Ben looked around, confused as to how he got here. 

   "Here," Jeff tossed the clothing at him, darting his eyes away from Ben's bare skin.

   The ghost quickly put it back on, adjusting the belts also. "Thanks..." he mumbled as he got off the couch and found his footing. He looked down at himself and felt his still damp clothing. "What exactly happened to me? How did I get here?" He looked up at the other two people in the room again.

   "You... got attacked. Probably by a hunter. He somehow got you wet. I brought you here and got you healed. How do you feel?" Jeff explained, returning his eyes to the ghost on the couch. 

   "I feel... dizzy." Ben replied, putting a hand up to his head and collapsing back on the couch. Having a bad case of shortness of breath, he layed his head back on the couch. "I think i'm going to be sick..." he suddenly lurched forward, quickly covering his mouth as Ms.P rushed to get the garbage can. Jeff watched in worry and horror. As soon as Ms.P returned with the can, Ben leaned into it and let every content of his stomach out. 

   When he was done, he coughed a few times before wiping his mouth and laying down on the couch exhausted. He watched as Ms.P went over to Jeff and motioned for him to follow her into the other room. The ghosts eyes closed as he exhaled softly.

   "Somethings wrong..." Ms.P frowned as they got into the other room, "The spell should have healed any injuries he had inside of him."

   "Well... Maybe it has something to do with the fact that he was wet? We all know that he doesn't do well with water." Jeff looked at her, worried.

   "That's true..." Ms.P nodded, thinking "I'm not sure what to do, I haven't ever had to do something like this for him." She waved her hand and her spell book appeared in her hands. She flipped through it looking for anything that would help Bens situation currrently, shaking her head when she didn't find anything in it. "Jeff... I hate to say it but we may need to talk to someone more powerful then me."

   Jeff sighed, knowing exactly what she meant. He didn't exactly like asking him for favors though, the things he would have to do in return would be very unpleasing. He peeked back into the room to see the paler then usual Ben on the couch. "No..." he said after a minute "Let's just watch him and see if he gets better. He is a last resort, not someone to go to when he gets sick" 

   Ms.P nodded in agreement and returned to the living room, looking down at Ben. Hearing the sudden movement, Bens eyes flickered open and stared at the lady infront of him. 

   "Hey..." He muttered weakly. 

   "Ben.. Have you gotten wet since your death?" She asked gently, placing a hand on the side of face softly as Jeff joined them in the room.

   "No... This is the first time..." He answered, looking over at Jeff.

   Ms.P looked nervously around the room, "I'll be back." She quickly left the room.

   "Jeff... is everything okay?" Ben asked.

   "Yeah don't worry about it." Jeff answered, sitting infront of the couch and sighing as he watched Ben.

   Ben nodded and let his arm hand over the side of the couch. He looked like a sick child the way his eyelids drooped over and he was laying so limply. Jeff examined him up and down, looking for any signs of blood or anything else that would suggest that something was horribly wrong. 

   "Ben... how are you feeling?" He returned his eyes back to Ben's face, noticing that his eyes were closed again. "Ben?" He got no response so he quickly called for Ms.P. 

   She rushed in, hearing how panicked his voice was "What happened?!"

   "He won't answer," Jeff said, standing up and shaking the other boy lightly and practically panicking when he didn't make any movements. 

   "He may just be in a very deep sleep, calm down." Ms.P assured him, "I'm going to go back and search for answers, don't panic." She returned to the other room.

   Jeff sat back on the ground, looking at Ben "Please be okay..." he pleaded, "Please Ben.."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02, 2014 ⏰

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