Chapter Five

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Jimin instantly stopped moving. He stopped BREATHING. Yoongi's bloody fangs retreated. Blood ran down Jimin's neck and down his body, and Yoongi fell off the bed, and lay on the floor breathing heavily and smirking at the nice taste of Jimin's blood left in his mouth. Yoongi got up and clothed himself and Jimin, not knowing what to do. Jimin stared up at the ceiling as he lay on the bed, blood on his neck and a blank expression on his face. Yoongi sighed, looking at him and pulled his phone out.
"Hey, Jin? I need you to come over, somethings happened."
Sound came from other end.
"You didn't tell him, did you? You are the worst, Yoongi."
And the call ended.
It took only around half an hour for Jin to arrive, and he scolded Yoongi.
"You should have told him!!"
Yoongi sighed at Jin. They both got Jimin into the car, and drove to the hospital, Yoongi watching him lying there in the back seat, his eyes now closed. When they got there, Yoongi took Jimin in his arms, carrying him. Jin slammed his hand on the front desk.
"THIS IS AN EMERGENCY!" he yelled. The receptionist took them to a room where doctors were already in there, and they lay him on the bed. As doctors scurried around, talking and examining Jimin, one doctor spoke to Yoongi.
"They appear to be bite marks...what happened?" he asked.
"None of your business," replied Yoongi.
"We need to know sir,"
"NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS. DO YOU UNDERSTAND ME?" Yoongi's eyes flashed red and he started twitching. His hands. His head. He looked a bit crazy.
"Just do what you're meant to do. Please," he said, turning around. Jin put an arm on his shoulder.
"Yoongi, drink tonight. Don't drink Jimin," he whispered.
"That's only if Jimin's alive,"
"Don't say that Yoongi," Jin stood next to Jimin on the bed. There was a gigantic plaster on his neck and they put an oxygen mask round his mouth.
"Well?" growled Yoongi, turning around to face everyone.
"We don't know anything just yet," Said one of the doctors.
"Well you better find out what's going to happen, or you're dead," Yoongi's eyes flashed red and his fangs started to come out. Jin looked at him.
"Yoongi - no!" he muttered.

But it was too late.

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