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" CHARLIE! THIS CAN'T KEEP HAPPENING!!" my dad yelled as I quickly got out of the pick up truck, slammed the door and made a beeline for the tree line.

" CHARLIE!!!" I heard him as he raged after me. I quickly shifted and got the hell out of there, I figured I could lose him in the forest I knew it like the back of my paw. He on the other hand hadn't been on a run ever since I was born. He was chasing me because of a fight I had gotten into at school, with a girl of course. She had said some things my best friend and I wasn't having it any more. However, this wasn't the first fight i had gotten into, just the most severe one. I'm pretty sure the girl had a broken nose and maybe a couple broken ribs. My father was right that I was lucky her parents didn't press charges, I had never gone to jail though I wasn't planning on it. I heard my best friend Jo talking to me in my thoughts

** Charlie, you're dad isn't following you ** I hadn't even realized I was still running when I stopped abruptly almost running into a tree. I looked around for her until I saw her dirty blond fur glint in the slight sunlight coming through the trees. Her light green eyes seemed inviting as they shown through the darkness. I looked around suspiciously not recognizing my surroundings.

** Umm, Jo. Where are we? ** I asked. My head turning in an one eighty degrees half circle around me. I sniffed the crisp air around me, none of the scents were too familiar exept for Jo's floraly scent. I looked back to Jo. If I hadn't even noticed how long I was running I certainly didn't know where we were.

** I'm thinking somewhere in Oregon. The pack has been looking for you for quite a while now ** I knew what she meant when she emphasized 'pack'. She meant my boyfriend of two years, Dominic. Strangely enough, I knew he was the cause of my getting in trouble these past few months. My dad knew this as well, that's why he hated Dominic. Before I started dating him I never got in trouble, I got good grades, and never defied my father. Now that I look back I miss that life, the only thing stopping me from ending it with Dominic is that he's my alpha. If he says were dating, then were dating. No buts about it, well there was one, mine. Which Dominic seemed to adore, which is why we were together. I sighed when I snapped out of my thoughts seeing that is was getting dark.

** We should probably head back then? I'll let Dominic know were heading back ** It took us a little while to get back to my house were my father was sitting in his big arm chair. He stood up when we had come down stairs from getting dressed. Both me and Jo sat on the couch. Jo had lived with us for about four years now because of her parents rejecting her. Jo was a strange case, she was a werewolf, however both of her parents were humans. It seemed that one of her grandparents or something had been werewolves and the gene had passed on through the family but had skipped a generation. On her thirteenth birthday when Jo first shifted her parents didn't see her as a gift, more like a freak. She was kind of like a Hermione in Harry Potter, her parents were normal, but she was different. She lived at the pack house for a little while but then moved in with us, me being her best friend and all. My dad looked at us both with a serious look on his face.

" Girls, I have something to tell you." he said his voice serious and solid.

" Were moving."


Well, thats the prologue! Hope you guys like my new story! Where Are they moving to? Why? All questions will be answered in the first chapter! But if you have any others you can comment! Thanks for reading!





ANd Fan!

- Madison xx <3

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