Chapter 13

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The Next Day
Harmony pov
i woke up feeling horrible i got out of bed walking to my suitcase grabbing s pair of clothes then i took a shower i decided to fly back home to iowa while im on suspension i didnt wanna stay and have to face joe who thinks i put him in the hospital i toweled off then got dressed and did light make up i zipped my suitcase then got ready to leave
4 hours later
i pulled up to my moms house getting out walking to the door i knocked a few minutes later i heard my puppy yelping then the door opened
Holly:Hi Harmony dear its been a minute since you've visited
me:I missed you
Holly:I missed you more honey i walked in to see my beagle kisses she barked and yelped i knew she was very happy to see me i picked her up she smelled me and licked my cheek
holly:Wheres your brother
me;still on tour
Holly:Shouldn't you be there then
i sighed
me:I took time off
holly:Ohh okay
i walked to the back to my old room sitting my stuff on the floor and diving on the bed kissed soon joined me and layed on my back as i fell asleep
joe pov
i woke up in my hospital room to see jon and colby sitting by my bed Colby had crutches and Jon had ice
jon:Hey bro you feeling okay?
Me:Im in alot of pain
Colby:Im sure what got over harmony
Joe:I dont know something just seemed off about her
Jon:I dont know but im getting to the fucking bottom of this once we get you out
colby picked up my medical clipboard reading it
colby:You have broken ribs and sprain foot
me:How many
then a doctor walked in
doctor:Great your awake surgery went well bw careful how you lay elevate your back if you have to
jon;im gonna go sign you out
jon got up leaving
doctor:Elevate your foot as well im gonna give you a crutch
jon walked back in and the doctor handed me a crutch i changed back into my ring gear since i had no other clothes which of course had fans running to me but i payed them no attention since i was in alot of pain once we got to the car jon was the only one on conditions to drive so he drove us back to the arena
Harmony pov
i woke up to someone jumping on me i groaned sitting up to see my baby sister hope shes 4
me:Hey hopey
hope:Harmy!!! I missed you
me:I miss you too monkey
She crawled into my arms and layed there while i checked my phone i saw posts all on my twitter page of people debating whether that was me that attacked the shield some say it was others say it wasnt i honestly didnt care cause i know it wasnt me whoever it was obviously wanted to be me i was deep in thought thinking about Joe when i heard my mom
i walked to the kitchen to see my younger  brother brandon hes 19
Me:Hey brandon
Brandon:Hey harmony how you
me:Pretty good pretty good
Brandon:Wheres colby
I sat at the table said prayer and we ate talked and laughed after i did the dishes and cleaned the table then kisses ran in with her chew toy
me:Hey kisses you wanna play?
she barked i grabbed her toy throwing it she ran and got it bringing it back this continued for about 20 minutes
joe pov
at the arena
jon:Mick Wheres kurt
mick:He was attacked by harmony hes recovering
jon:See shes out of control
me:Can we see the footage
mick went to his computer pulling up footage i looked at it something did seem off but i couldn't put my finger on it
me:Hit pause
mick paused it
me:Zoom in 60%
he zoomed on harmonys face but it started looking less like harmony
jon:woah harmony looks weird
Colby:harmony doesnt have green eyes
me:No she doesnt they are brown and she has a birthmark on her belly
colby:Oh no so wheres harmony
mick:Shes suspended.
Me;Then who the hell was that
mick:If you can prove thats not harmony we will lift the suspension but until then shes gone
I sighed we left out the office
Jon:Well we gotta catch her somehow
me:If thats the fake harmony then where the hell is the real one i want my girlfriend
Colby;I'll call her.
colby called her it went to voicemail he kept calling until she finally answered all we heard was a dog yelping in the background
colby:Hey sis
harmony:What colby
colby:What?i just wanna talk i..
then she hung up
colby:I heard kisses shes at home
jon:Whats a kisses
colby:Her dog shes at my moms house but thats all the way in iowa
Me:I dont care i dont want her thinking that we broke up or anything
jon:Then call her cause theres no way mick or kurts gonna let anyone leave out of state this close to tour
me:When is tour
colby:Tomorrow we leave for tour
me:Your kidding?
colby:No tomorrow hes assigning hotels the week after is tour
i sighed in relief
Me:Im leaving tonight
jon:Goodluck dude
colby:We will probably be down in a couple days
Harmony pov
i rolled my eyes after i hung up on colby i got a shower and changed into some pajamas crawling into bed then kisses jumped on me falling asleep i dont wanna talk to any of them after they accused me of that...not even joe

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