8. Out And About

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It was the weekend and there was nothing to do before Harry went back to the studio tomorrow. Wanting to spend the day together, it ended up going to the mall and getting Aiden whatever he liked. 

"Now, see this." Harry stopped in a toys aisle while he held Aidens tiny hand. "You can get anything you want out of here." And after that, Aiden heavily trotted towards shelves and was already pointing to things he wanted. 

"He's going to get spoiled Harry." You sigh as you see Harry carrying at least 10 boxes of toys. 

"So." He shrugged.


"Emma, hold my hand please." Louis ordered. Even though she was too and had to be carried around, she never like the height or something around her waist which she got from you. So she just walked.

Emma took hold of her Daddy's hand and crossed the road with him. You were at work while Louis had a day off, so you just left Emma with him instead of bothering Jay and leaving the cheeky toddler with her.

"Tired." Emma whined, stopping and looking up at Louis, her knees bent. Her arms extended out and before long Louis was carrying her around asleep on his shoulder. 


"They are out like a light." You giggle silently. Seeing the twins asleep side by side in the stroller was to cute. They had their beanies, jackets and tiny jeans on while you and Zayn walked around town. 

"Just like me." Zayn smiled, his arm wrapped around your waist. "Lets sit here for a bit." You sat on a bench that was just outside a building. Parking the stroller in front of you, you adjusted the boys clothing, hoping that they were warm enough.

"Do we have a blanket or something." You asked yourself, looking at the back basket of the pram. 

"You're a great Mum." Zayn blurted out, rubbing his hand up and down your back making you blush.


"Don't you dare chuck a tantrum Misteria Payne." Liam crouched down at the frowning 2 year old. "You have already got things in the trolley, you don't need anything else." He said picking her up and setting her in the cart.

You needed to go grocery shopping and Liam wanted to tag along since you were taking Misteria and he knew what would happen if he wasn't there. 

For the rest of the trip, Misteria had a frown still on her face as she held her tantrum in as good as she could, knowing her Daddy wouldn't be happy if she let it out. 

"Shh." You whispered to Misteria as you showed her the toy she wanted, smiling up at you all giddy.


You stood in a shop that was full of electronics. Phones, computers, laptops and TV's. And just guess what was on the TV...Derby.

"Ready, ready! He's going to make a kick!" Niall cheers, crouching down to the lowest TV which was Ava's height, the toddler on his knee.

"GOAL!" She screams, turning around to hug Niall. You rolled your eyes, laughing at how adorable they were. "I wuve Derby Daddy." She giggled, saying 'wuve instead of 'love' which just melted your heart.

"Can we go no-"

"Not now love." Niall waves you off.


Okay so I've been reading a few comments and you guys have realised that Liam and (Y/N) are the horniest couple in the series...of course. 

Louis and (Y/N) are the responible couple/parents
Harry and (Y/N) are kinda like a carefree/protective couple
Zayn and (Y/N) are like parents that will hide things from their twins (hint for the future)
Niall and (Y/N) are the most adorablest couple that have all of the above and I love them!

Jezabel01 Xx

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