let's interact..??

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Hello beautiful people there..???
How is everyone doing..??
Okay here I'd come to receive all the complaints..
So come on.. go on with your complaints..

Until then let me make a very important announcement about my new book " All shades of dramatic" Which was renamed as " The beginning of forever?! " Which I'd started in general fiction but now changed it into romance.

Hope you like it. Please do give it a read.

You people stood for me in the whole journey of manan stories. Now I wanna improvise my writing skills. So giving it a try. Need your support fellas..!! 🤗🤗

Wanna know one more Happy news..??

Cute live story Epilogue is on the way..

Now who are interested..???

Lemme know.

Loads of love

Manan- It hurts to hurt youजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें