Fool Me Twice, Shame On Me

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hey guys! i felt bad that i haven't updated Never Shout Never so i though I'd upload two pre-written one shots instead. ENJOY.


There could only be a few seconds of life left. In those seconds she seemed to remember the events of her life vividly. First days of school and red bikes with stabilisers flashed through her mind, the images contorting, twisting and changing shape. Smiles and laughs, tears and fears, things that she had forgotten, she remembered as if reliving them all at once. Images and sounds crashed through her senses altogether, never giving room for thought getting quicker and faster, then quicker again until it was all a blur of colours and sounds echoing upon echoes. In some ways she felt blissfully happy and content but in others not so much. As the memories went by a particular one stood out...

... Rain was smashing off the windows making slapping noises, and blurring the sight of all. She was casually reclining across a comfortable looking couch playing with the skin around about her yellow painted nails. The clock which was bought many years ago resided on the wall, covered in wallpaper, ticked the time by. She was waiting for her parents to drive her to the park to meet her friends from the local school. After spending forty-seven minutes getting ready, she was quite annoyed with the amount if time her parents were taking. She had shouted up telling them to hurry while she reached over to the coffee table which was placed in the middle of the small room. She picked up her father's car keys and rolled herself off the couch, stood to her full height and headed in the direction of the white, chipped door. She leaned against the corner in the wall, tapping her feet to the rhythm of the song she was currently humming inside her head on the floor. Her father emerged first from the top of the stairs with his wife following not too far behind...

... A gasp of pain refrained her from thinking for a moment or two before, as if it was a DVD the flashback fast forwarded at an immeasurable speed until come it came to a halt and she began to review parts of her life once again...

... She felt the cool rain seeping through her copper-brown hair and dripping down her pale freckled cheeks. Her bottle green eyes were cast down on the screen of her scratched phone which illuminated the features of her face. Words and phrases stared to swim through her heavily lidded eyes and into her brain, to be processed as the pleas of her friends telling her to "get a move on". Her mother's slender hand travelled through the cold air of the car to turn up the heating while she and her husband sat chatting animatedly in the front seats of the car, listening to the football which was on the radio. She looked longingly out of the window; her sight blurred because of the rain, and sighed, wishing she was already with her friends. Her mother once again voiced her concern about the weather and how she would "catch her death" but grew silent after she was delivered a cold remark from her thirteen year old daughter. She heard the crash before she felt it. A large stopper in the continuous flow of life. It was as if for one moment everybody ; man, woman and child, every living thing just stopped, even if only for a second as this blue Honda came hurtling out of nowhere and into their car. She couldn't breathe, she couldn't move, she couldn't describe what she was feeling, not even if you were able to ensure her three thousand years to think about it. The pain in her chest was caused by something pushing down on it, smashing her ribs onto her lungs; her eyesight was wavering, slowly getting foggy. Bright lights peeped through every now and then, loud noises attempted to get her attention but she was sleepy, so sleepy, and the pain was too much. Everything turned to black, the wreck of two cars, the people, the noises, the lampposts, the whole street was consumed all of her pain and conciseness and she gave it all up willingly...

... She could feel it happening again. The same pain and drowsiness was fighting to devour her. But she would not give up. She wanted to see what was left for her to see. The tears she had held back trickled down those same cheekbones that her mother had had as she was taken once again into another memory. Although she would more rather call it a nightmare. Not the physical time and place. She was actually quite a happy and bubbly person although there were times she could be so serious that she would be viewed as twice her actual age. It was the actions which had led her to being there which were terrifying enough to keep her from living her life to the full...

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20, 2012 ⏰

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