6: Fight

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Jonah's POV
Me and Zach road the bikes into the city. As we road up to a apartment I saw a couple walking out of the apartment complex. As we road by, I saw that the girl was Mia the girl we met at Starbucks. I stopped my bike so did Zach. "Why are we stopping?" Zach asked, "I see Mia the girl we met at Starbucks" I said getting off the bike. I ran up to Mia and I gave her a hug. "Jonah, Zach" Mia said giving me a hug. "Who's this guy?" Zach asked "oh my boyfriend" Mia said giving Zach a hug. "My name is Neels" I guess Neels said. "Nice to meet you I'm Jonah and that's Zach" I said smiling. "Okay, bye" Mia said walking up to Neels, "bye" me and Zach said waving. I looked at Zach and got onto my bike. We headed into the park. We sat at a bench and chilled with a small conversation.
Mia's POV
Me and Neels just finished talking to Zach and Jonah, but Neels, every like minute he would look at his phone and smile. "Neels, why do you keep looking at your phone?" I asked "oh, if you want to know we'll have to go to your apartment"  Neels said "okay, lets go" I said walking back to the apartment. Once we got to the apartment we sat on the couch and began our conversation. "So are you ready to know?" Neels asked, "yeah" I said. "I'm cheating on you" Neels said in one breath. "What the fuck Neels" I yelled "why didn't you tell me before" I said quietly. "I was drunk, and I met a girl we had sex and I got her number" Neels said grabbing his stuff. "I don't care get out of my fucking apartment" I yelled crying. I got up off my couch and Neels left my apartment.

Wrong Number//Jonah Marais//Where stories live. Discover now