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Opening your eyes to the blinding sun, you felt behind you to feel that Dio was no longer there. You were alone in his bedroom. What happened last night . . . Was that real or was that a dream? It felt so real but could Dio actually do something like this? Who would honestly know, Dio was a very mysterious person so it's hard to exactly say what he would and wouldn't do.

Raising your hands above your head, you stretch before climbing out of the bed and getting dressed. You put on one of your new dresses and give yourself a twirl in the mirror before you decided that you looked presentable. Walking out of Dio's room you were nearly ran over by a group of doctors that ran up to Mr. Joestars room. When you saw exactly whose room they were entering your heart sank. What exactly happened to the kind man? You picked up your dress and begun to run after the doctors, following them into Mr. Joestars room. "Mr. Joestar! Mr. Joestar!", you called out, trying to make your way beside him. Once you were through the small crowd of doctors, you stopped in your tracks to see Mr. Joestar laying in his bed, his face so pale it resembled a ghost. What had happened?! He was just fine last night at dinner, was something not cooked properly in his meal?

Emerald eyes slowly slid open to look up at you, Mr. Joestar tried his very best to smile at you before he began to have a coughing fit. It was obvious he was very ill, but what could've happened overnight? This was absolutely crazy, and the man isn't too old so it couldn't possibly be old age can it?! It was at this moment that you realized Jojo and Dio were already at their father's side, one on each side actually. Both of them tried to calm Mr. Joestar down, whispering softly to him, as if it were their last words to him, "Shh . . . Father it's okay, you don't have to speak, you should really just lay back and try to relax.", Jojo whispered as he was fluffing his father's pillow trying to make him as comfortable as possible. Your eyes glided over to Jojo, searching his face to see anything that would give you hope that Mr. Joestar would get better, but there was nothing. Jojo had bit down on his lower lip, attempting to silently fight his tears back, but he couldn't handle it. The tears begun to overflow and stream down his cheeks. The sight of such a strong man; Jojo, crying before you broke your heart. You raised a hand to your chest as if you could actually feel your heart break. Without another moment to pass, you walked over to Jojo's side and wrapped your slender arms around him, one of your hands raised to stroke his blue hair, in attempt to soothe the male. Once your arms had made their way around him, Jojo immediately started to sob into them. One of his hands remained on his father's and his free arm wrapped itself around you. It seemed like Jojo had been fighting these tears back for far too long and that it was time to finally release them.

Dio's amber eyes glared at Jojo, but no one saw his glares, his glare of hatred towards his brother. Gritting his teeth in attempt to control his anger, Dio stood up and gave his father a hug to show that he 'cared' before exiting the room. Your eyes remained on Mr. Joestars face, hoping to see him jump out of this as if this was all just a bad dream. That everything was okay, but deep down in your heart, you knew this was real. This was just a cruel life.

After about 15 minutes of holding Jojo and watching Mr. Joestar you decide it would probably be best to give Mr. Joestar some peace and quiet. Leaning down you whispered into Jojo's ear, careful not to wake up his father, "Come on Jojo, lets go have a cup of tea and allow your father to rest a little, maybe this will all pass, you just have to give it some time." All Jojo did was sit there and stare at his father, you took the male's hand and gently led him to the door, trying not too look at his expression . . You knew that all it would do was break your heart.

Walking down stairs, you realized that Jojo was still holding your hand, but honestly you didn't mind, you knew that it probably soothed Jojo, so you didn't pull away. After you had made it to the bottom of the stairs you noticed Dio was standing at the front door, putting on a coat and a hat, it was obvious he was going out. "Dio . . ." You mumbled loud enough to where he would hear, but he pretended that he didn't. Walking out the front door, the blonde closed it behind him and walked out to a carriage that awaited him. You assumed that Dio was only acting so strange because his father was passing, but little did you know that Dio was actually furious inside, he was just very good at hiding it. Dio was ready for Mr. Joestar to pass on so that he could get all of the money and inherit everything that he had to offer. He was greedy . . However, seeing Jojo so down and depressed brought him a little bit of joy, due to that he was able to keep control of his anger in front of you and everybody else in that room.

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