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A very annoying rhythmical noise wakes me up late at night. Temperature has dropped since the fire has turn into embers long ago and the bedroom in uncomfortably cold now: my own teeth chattering are the reason for which I woke up. My body is shivering too and it makes the chair squeak but due to the tight ropes there's nothing I can do to change my position. Suddenly, a sharp pain on my neck makes me stifle a cry: I have a pulled muscle and I can't do anything to relieve pain. For the hundredth time this night tears run down my face while I squirm trying to move my shoulders.

My world turns upside down as I land violently on the carpet in front of the fire. The Sorceress got up and, after ordering the rope to loosen on its own, she's grabbed me hard by my hair and has dragged me along the floor until we reached the carpet. I've barely noticed the change of place when I feel her grabbing me again, this time by my neck. Outraged, I realize that Ruby has taken one of Lucifer's collars, the big one he uses when he turns into a panther, and a chain and now I'm fastened to the bed post like some sort of animal but, before I can scream feeling insulted, a pillow hits my face and she turns her back to me making herself comfortable in the blankets. Humiliated, I hold back my tears while I lie down as close to the fire as the chain allows me and I hug the pillow leaning my head on it.

Dawn is scarcely breaking when a light kick on my ribs wakes me up. Pulling my leash, Her Arrogant and Vampire Majesty drags me to the bathroom and forces me to wash but she doesn't let me put my clothes on. Then she makes me crawl to the kitchen where she indulges herself with her breakfast calmly while I sit down at her feet on the floor. To be honest, this is completely out of line. I admit I disobeyed her, I made a fool out of myself yesterday but I've learnt from my mistake and I don't think I deserve this kind of punishment. Unfortunately, Ruby has the upper hand here and she doesn't agree with my point of view.

The morning stillness is broken by my stomach rumbling, reminding me that I skipped dinner last night. With her eyes on her cup of tea, curling her lips with the utmost scorn, the Sorceress pushes some slices of bread and cheese off the table that land on the floor in front of my knees. I stare at her utterly shocked. Am I supposed to eat on the floor like a dog? She raises her eyebrow without looking at me while she sips her tea, challenging me to say something. I'm not that crazy, I don't even want to think of what kind of punishment Her Sadistic Majesty is able to imagine if I dare to speak. Quietly, I take the food and eat it while holding back my tears when I see her placing her cup on the floor with her last sips of tea for me.

The rest of the day passes more or less in the same way. From the kitchen to the living room and then to her office or the bedroom, Ruby keeps me always at her feet holding the leash, throwing food to me sometimes or letting me some time alone in the bathroom. The analogy is pretty clear: she's decided to train me like a naught puppy and I'll get the reward if I'm a good and well-behaved dog. By nightfall I'm exhausted, the bruises of the ropes are burning and my knees are raw because I've spent the day crawling form here to there. I feel defeated, I willingly crawl to the carpet despite the pain of my knees and I curl up in a ball by the fire.

- Iselen, come here.

"Now what? What else are you going to do to me?" I think while moving painfully slowly. Those are Ruby's first words since yesterday but that does not give me any relief, I don't believe for a moment that she'd forgive me. When I turn around I see something unexpected: Lucifer and the Sorceress are having one of their silent conversations gazing into each other's eyes, but this time the cat seems angry and the vampire lowers her head mortified. Heaving a sigh, she pats the mattress next to her inviting me to get in bed. I hesitate for a moment, still don't trust her, and the cat hisses seeing my reaction while Ruby rolls her eyes hard.

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