Chapter Three

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I made my way to an address that was more than familiar. When I rang the buzzer, and heard my grandmother's—Mariana's voice, I choked up a little, but I knew exactly what to say and what to bring.

"Who is it?" Her scratchy voice and poor English made her hard to understand for most people.

"Hello, my name is Vea Harris I have a delivery for one Mariana Stone?" I held back tears as I spoke to her. After a few seconds I heard the click and low hum of the door unlocking and I made my way down the hall.

When I got to her door I took a deep breath and knocked. "It's open!", I heard from the inside. I entered the apartment, plants and paintings filled all the empty spaces. I walked over to Mariana's well aged face and handed her a parcel that I had wrapped myself.

I stood and watched as she opened the parcel. Inside was the very last photo that was taken of me before I died, the day I saw the psychic.

"Oh, Gloriana." She said it with a sad smile. "She was my granddaughter you know. I saw her every week you know. But you, how did you get this?" I held back the tears in my eyes and took a deep breath.

"I'm just a messenger." I hesitate to introduce myself. "Mrs. Stone?" Breathe.

"My name is Vea Harris. I'm here to help you." She looked up at me and smiled, then shook her head.

"No, child. I know who you are." I gasp and let a tear fall. "I've missed you." She smiled and leaned back, closing her eyes. I placed my hand on her chest and she opened her eyes and looked directly into mine. "Thank you, Gloriana,"

As I begin to extract her soul and watch the life drain from her face I compose myself and whisper, "You're welcome, Abuela." She smiled, and with that the reaping was successful. It couldn't have gone better.


Back at headquarters I decide to look for Kellen, to apologize to him; but when I get back to my office he's sitting there waiting for me. "Kellen, listen", he stopped me.

"No Vea, I shouldn't have expected you to react any differently than I did when I was assigned Lucy. And about what you said, its okay. You didn't know." He stood up to leave but I stopped him before he made it to the door.

"No. I'm sorry, you're right I didn't know. So, I shouldn't have said anything." He looked at me forgivingly and gave a short nod before heading back to his own office.

I sat down at my desk and wondered what his story was as I claimed my reapings. Come to think of it, I didn't know anything about Kellen from before he became a reaper. I wanted to know more, I was drawn to him.

After completing my work for the day, I decided to stop by Kellen's apartment. He'd given me the address when we first met, as a courtesy since I was all alone, but I'd never actually been there. As I knocked on the door I found myself on the inside.

"Vea? How did you get in?" Kellen sat at a table with papers in front of him. I looked around, unable to answer his question. How did I get inside? "Did you jump?" He stood excitedly.

"Jump?" I questioned. I'd never heard the term before, but that must be what Kellen had done when I first met him. "I guess so. I didn't mean to, I was knocking when I just sort of... now I'm inside." He walked over to where I stood and offered to take my jacket. After hanging it on a coat rack we walked over to his living room and sat on opposite sides of room.

"This is a nice place. A lot bigger than mine." My attempts at small talk were less than mediocre.

"Yeah it's not too bad. When you've been a reaper as long as I have, you get nicer amenities. We gonna talk about my apartment the whole time?" He laughed and leaned back comfortably into his black leather recliner. "What brings you here?"

"To be honest I... want to get to know you. You're the closest thing I have to a friend and well, I'm lonely." I shift awkwardly in my seat.

"If I'm honest with you Vea, I try not to make friends. Everyone leaves eventually. I'd rather keep myself composed and not become attached. Clearly I'm not doing a very good job at that since I told you some pretty private information." His daughter's name, Lucy.

"What were you like before? Am I allowed to ask that?" I lean forward and then find myself right in front of him. Given my sitting position I fall back onto the floor. "Sorry, I don't know how I did that."

"That's alright, you'll get used to it. And yes, you can ask. But you can never discuss your past life with a human." He stopped there.

"Are you gonna answer me or what?" He laughed at my eagerness and showed me back to the couch where he sat down beside me.

"I was different, back then. And it was a long time ago. I was quiet, did what I was asked. Quite a boring person actually. But I was kind and loving, I wanted nothing more than to have a family." He smiled shyly and turned to me. "What were you like?"

"I... you wouldn't have liked me. I was loud and obnoxious. Always getting into trouble. I was popular, everyone loved me. And the ones that didn't pretended to. If I could do it over, I'd probably be a little more genuine." I looked at the floor, thinking of all the friends I lost because I was more concerned with my reputation.

"You can do it over Vea. Just because I isolate myself from the living doesn't mean you have to. Go, be genuine. Make friends." He smiled. "But not too many. Wouldn't wanna be too popular." He chuckled and stood up.

"I have to run a couple errands before the shops close, shall I take you home?" He offered his arm to me, I took hold of him and we walked to his car.
As we arrived at my apartment, I turned to Kellen before opening the car door. "Thank you, for everything." I smiled and left the car, making my way upstairs. I suppose I could get used to this life.

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