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I was only a kid when I first came here, five I think. My parents told me they were taking me out for dinner to celebrate something I can't remember. I was so excited- that I didn't even think what happened next would be possible to someone like me. It was late at night and we were on our way back home, like any other trip home- except that night felt different. The weather was sporadic that weekend, but that night it was pouring and the wind was harsh.

"Did you enjoy yourself tonight sweetie?" my mom asked me, turning to look at me from the passenger seat. I smiled at her, nodding in response "Yeah, I had lots of fun mamma and the food was really yummy!" I said with excitement. My father chuckled at my response, glancing at me for a moment before turning back to the road. "Richard- Honey, the weather tonight is the worse it's been all week. Do you think we'll make it home in one piece?" my mother asked. My father just sighed, not taking his eyes off the road "We'll be fine Elizabeth, it's just a bit of rain and wind..nothing too bad." he said. If only he had kept more of an eye out, he would have been right. It was quiet for a few minutes before my mother screamed "Richard- Look out!" she yelled, pointing at a telephone pole that had broken and was now coming towards us. Sadly- before he could dodge it, it fell on top of the car. Just before I blacked out, I saw my mother fly through the windshield and my father's face smash into the steering wheel. I don't know how long it was before I came to, but when I did- I wish I had met the same fate as my parents. I had climbed out of the backseat of the car and collapsed onto the wet road. I cried in pain, feeling blood drip from my head where the glass had hit me. I could hardly breath, there was smoke everywhere as I glanced at the vehicle engulfed in flames. I screamed, seeing my mother lying dead on the hood and my father leaning face first into the steering wheel. I limped my way to them, not seeing the puddle in front of me. You may be thinking, 'Well it's just a puddle right?' wrong. I didn't notice the live wires from the telephone pole laying in the water, but it was too late. My body convulsed and twitched as I screamed in pain, electricity entering my body. No one could survive such extreme electrocution, not even a child at that age. My mouth had started foaming,my eyes rolling in the back of my head but not before I saw something strange- bolts of electricity swarming around my body like a shield.

It's odd really, I remember the moments before the incident but I can't recall how they found me or how long I've been here- I can tell it's been years though. They have no idea that I'm awake, listening to them from inside this tube. Medical wires hooked up to my body, as I float in this preservation liquid with a breathing tube in my mouth. It's been so long, but I rip my eyes open and scream in anger as I bang on the glass. I see these black and red creatures running around in panic as I continue to bang on the glass, some standing a few feet away with weapons pointed at me. I get agitated, hitting the glass harder as it finally gives way, breaking. I land on the floor, coughing but quickly push myself up. " Subject Z has escaped, neutralize her!!" one screams as another with a gun points it at me. My eyes widen as it pulls the trigger, not knowing what else to do- I put my arms up to shield me. All of sudden, my hands tingle as an energy source shoots out- killing the creature instantly. The others in the room back away in fear as I look at my hands in shock, not knowing how I did it. "Subject Z has discovered it's ability, everyone must attempt immediate sedation!" another yells as all of the figures slowly inch towards me. I begin to panic, my breathing to quicken as I close my eyes "Stay away from me!!" I scream. Before I knew it, a warm light envelopes me for a moment then disappears suddenly- opening my eyes I see nothing but charred remains and fire. I have no time to question anything, I just bolt- making a run for it. I don't care where I go, as long as I far away from here.

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