Crumbling Dreams

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Ashley started down at his hands, still covered in the, now dried, red sticky substance that was his blood. His clothes were covered in it, he smelt like copper and death.

"Ash!" He looked up, seeing CC and Anna coming running in. "Dude, what the hell happened, why are you covered in blood? Are you hurt?" CC panicked seeing his best friend covered in blood and in a hospital waiting room. "You texted me saying you had brought Andy to the hospital, but you're fucking covered in blood."

"It's Andy's." Ashley voice came out as a harsh whisper, his eyes were rimmed red, tear tracks staining his cheeks, his light eyeliner running down his cheeks with it.

"What the hell happened to him?' CC asked, "And where is he?"

"He's in sugary, I-I went over to his place so we could go over new stuff I came up with and, h-he" Ashley let out a choked sob. "He was laying on the ground in a pool of blood, I couldn't tell where it was coming from there was so much." He choked out, tears streaming down his face.

"Who the hell would've done that?" Anna asked in shock.

Ashley whispered something to himself, fists balling in anger.

"Do you know who did it Ash, we need to press charges." CC asked, looking up seeing Jinxx and Jake running in, also questioning why Ashley was covered in blood. After CC quickly filled the two guitarists in the three of them, plus Anna turned to Ashley.

"Well who are we getting arresting?" Jake asked impatiently.

"Juliet." Ashley said softly, "Juliet did this to him." He said with a little more confidence.

"Ash, we don't know that for sure." Jake said slowly.

"Before, we get into this." Jinxx calmed the on coming argument, "Ash we need to wash that blood off you."

"Yeah." Ashley nodded, following Jinxx as they walked to the bathroom, numbly staring as Jinxx scrubbed the blood off of his skin.

"Ash, we both know Juliet is abusive. We've seen the bruises she's caused, but what would cause her to want to murder him, do yo remember how you found him?" Jinxx questioned slowly, knowing that Ashley and Andy were the closest of the band and their friendship had strengthened during their last 2 year tour.

"He was laying on his stomach, next to his couch. His was shirtless and I think I saw Juliet's bra on the side of..." Ashley froze. His face going white. "No... No. NO! NO! NO! NO! NO!" He screamed grabbing his hair and pulling, fresh tears streaming down his face.

"What is it?" Jinxx asked, "Ashley what did you remember?!" He asked grabbing Ashley's arms and forcing Ashley to look him in the eye.

"He told me no marks and I didn't listen, I thought she wouldn't see, but she did and, fuck. It's all my fault." Ashley continued whispering to himself.

"What is your fault Ashley? What did she see?" Jinxx asked, having no clue what Ashley was talking about, something about Andy and marks.

"All my fault. I'm such a fucking idiot." Ashley continued muttering, shaking his head as tears ran down his face.

"ASHLEY PURDY!" Jinxx screamed at his friend, causing Ashley to stop and stare at Jinxx in shock, Jinxx never yelled.

"What did Juliet see?" Jinxx asked again in a calmer voice when.

"The hickie. She saw the fucking hickie." He rubbed his face.

"What the hell do you mean by hickie Ashley?" Jinxx asked confused.

"Even after he told me not to I left a hickie on his hip. God this is all my fault." Ashley leaned against the wall and slid down it, hugging his knees to his chest.

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