Wake The Fuck Up!

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Chapter Summary

Andy's been in a coma for almost 3 months, and he's finally coming to, but with what implications?

Look at me, on a roll with updates again. Here's the latest instalment, it's mostly Andy centred since the poor guy has been comatose for the entire story.


Pain. That was the first thing Andy felt, pain. His neck was burning and he had something down his throat. He felt like he was choking, he was dead. That was the only conclusion, bone chilling silence surrounded him as he laid there in pain and tried to force his eyes open.

Where was he? Hospital most likely, but what had happened? What put him in the hospital this time? He didn't remember doing something stupid during a concert, hell they were on break. He internally winced when his fogged memory started to clear and he remembered the events that put him in the hospital.


Andy sighed when he quietly unlocked the door to his and Juliet's house. He had spent the night at Ashley's, he told her they were working on lyrics and concepts for the new album, and they did to an extent. Although that wasn't the driving force for him visiting the bassist, Ashley had taken him out on an amazing date. It was the first time in months where he actually enjoyed a date night. He sighed again as he pushed the door open and closed it gently behind him. He needed to divorce Juliet, she wasn't good for him. She tried to isolate him from his friends, his bandmates, his family. Every chance she got she attempted to, manipulate him, and when that didn't work he usually ended up with a slap to the face, or a backhand. The backhands were worse, because her wedding ring usually caught skin and left him bleeding.

"Andy!" He only just stopped himself from flinching at her voice, speak of the devil and she shall appear.

"Hey babe." He managed to muster a smiled, already wishing he was back at Ashley's.

"How's writing going?" She questioned, walking up to him and going on her toes for a kiss. Andy quickly pecked her lips before backing away and walking around her so he could throw his over night bag on the couch.

"Good." He smiled, "Ash and I made some really good process last night." He grinned, they had talked about concepts and this record already felt like a Black Veil one and they had barely started on it.

"Wanna celebrate is baby?" Juliet asked, strutting up to him, heels clicking on the hardwood floor as she pressed again Andy's chest, hand ghosting down to his crotch.

"Maybe later love, I didn't get much sleep last night. We were up pretty late working on stuff." Andy smiled softly, he was right about being up late, although he had fibbed the reason. He and Ashley were doing something much more physical and fun compared to song writing and album concepting.

"But Andy." Juliet whined, Andy just barely stopping himself from rolling his eyes. "We haven't had sex in almost a month and I want you." She pouted, batting her heavily mascaraed lashes, trying to entice him.

Andy bit his lip, either say no and risk a screaming match, or just get it over with and fuck her. He went with the latter option because he'd rather not have Ashley come over and see his bruised face. He smirked, leaning down and kissing her neck, his mind already replacing her image with Ashley. "I want you too baby." He purred into her ear, nibbling her earlobe lightly, causing her to moan loudly.

He yelped when he felt Juliet grab his jacket lapels and yank him onto the couch quiet harshly, he groaned when he felt the back of his head his the arm of the couch. Juliet didn't even notice as she pushed his jacket off and was already attempting to pull his shirt off. He pushed himself up so she could pull his shirt from him. She quickly and frantically kissed down his chest. She undid his belt, quickly pulled his pants and underwear down in one go.

Sitting up herself and pulling her shirt off and tossing her bra to the side. Leaning back down to start trailing her lips down his chest. He laid back staring at the ceiling as she continued to kiss down his torso, soon reaching his hips, he felt her freeze and pull away.

"Andrew?" Her tone was cold and icy.

"Yeah babe?" He asked confused propping himself up on his elbows to look at her.

"What is that on your hip?" She questioned, glaring at him.

"What's what?" He question, pushing himself up more and paling, there was a dark purple hickie on his hip. Ashley must've gotten carried away last night.

"I...I don't know." He gulped, he knew, hell he was replying memories of last night just to get himself in the mood.

"That's a fucking hickie!" Juliet screeched getting off his lap. Andy quickly jumped up pulling up his pants and sitting up.

"Jules I-"

"You're fucking cheating on me! You slept with some whore! That's what you were doing at Ashley's last night weren't you, he brought over some of his whores and you fucked one of them!" Juliet screamed at him.

"Juliet I-" He sighed, "Yeah." He mumbled, her thinking he had slept with one of Ashley's old fuck buddies was better than her knowing that it was actually Ashley he slept with.

"You fucking cheated on me!" She glared at him, Andy saw something flicker across he eyes as she stormed off to the kitchen. Andy sighed pushing his hair back, knowing now was probably the best time to bring up that he wanted a divorce.

"Well Andrew." He looked up seeing Juliet strutting towards him a sinister look in her face. "If I can't have you, then you can have your career." She smiled sadistically at him as she felt up the butchers knife she was holding.

"Juliet what the hell?" He panicked and tried to get away from her, he yelped when she smacked him, his head colliding with the wall causing his vision to spin.

"Say goodbye to your voice Andrew." She sneered as she drove the knife into his neck and he let out a scream of agony before his vision faded to black, all he felt was warm liquid pouring from his neck.


Juliet had tried to kill him, after she saw the hickie Ashley had left on his hip, he hoped Ashley didn't blame himself, he hoped Ashley was doing okay and that his mental state was stable. He knew he was Ashley's rock, he knew Ashley depended on him, he was doing his best to make Ashley less dependant on him, and Ashley was trying as well, but it was a longer and harder process than either of them expected.

Come on Biersack, wake up so you came make sure Ashley's okay. Just wake up. Wake the fuck up!

He coughed against whatever was him his mouth and he felt a hand grip his. His instincts told him it was Ashley's. He forced his eyes open, wincing at the bright florissant lights of the hospital room. The bright light was suddenly blocked by a figure, as he vision cleared he quickly recognized the figure of Ashley.

He sighed in relief, Ashley had found him and gotten him to the hospital before he died. Ashley had saved him from Juliet yet again. He was so grateful for Ashley, he was falling in love with the man, he knew it for sure. The only issue was, did he feel the same way? Did his almost, sorta, kinda not really boyfriend love him back?

He could care less about that now, he was alive and with Ashley, hopefully Juliet would get what was coming to her for doing this to him. Right now life was perfect, well as perfect as life could be when your wife almost murders you after finding out you had been having a committed affair with your longtime band mate and best friend.

He blinked when he noticed Ashley waving his hand in front of his face. He was so lost in thought he hadn't heard what Ashley was saying to him. He watched again as Ashley spoke, he frowned in confusion as Ashley's lips moved but no words came out. The deafening silence became apparent to him again.

Maybe life wasn't so perfect after all.


Duh duh duuuuuuuuuuh!!!!!

Feel free to yell at me in the comments.

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