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A/N  i wrote this entire book in two hours.

Song Of The Chapter : Say You Won't Let Go - Arthur James.


I turned off the faucet after brushing my teeth and headed back downstairs.

I found Arabella standing by the door putting on her shoes.

"You're going somewhere?" I asked in confusion because we were supposed to hang out today, just lying together at home.

We were just having breakfast, I made her pancakes.

"Yeah, I'm going to visit my mom, haven't seen her in so long." Arabella explained, tying her shoelaces.

I sighed gulitly and headed over to Bella, cupping her cheeks with my hands.

"I'm so sorry for yesterday, I didn't mean anything I said." I apologized for the second time today.

"Until when, Scott?" Arabella looked at me, tears filling her eyes.

My heart broke. I hate seeing her cry.

"Until when are you going to keep thinking I'm cheating on you, until when are you going to push me away thinking that I don't love you?" I hated how her voice broke down while saying that.

"But I love you, we love each other, all couples go through problems like that." I said, catching a tear that fell out of her beautiful eyes.

"But not all couples make up by having pancakes together and ignoring the issue, and then going over the same cycle again." Arabella said, stepping back away from me.

"I'm sorry."

'I'm sorry I'm a loser and all I can is 'I'm sorry'' I wanted to voice out.

Arabella sighed. "Look, I'm just going to go clear my mind off some things, okay? I love you."

"I love you too." I said back.

I'm so sorry, my love. I'm so sorry I always put you through that, I thought as Bella headed out the doors.

I pulled my head down in defeat as I walked over to the couch.

I smiled as I remembered the first time I met Bella.

She was struggling to hold her books at the library and I had helped her with them.

Little did I know, the small blonde girl with glasses at the library will be everything to me.

I don't mean to hurt her feelings.

I just have trust issues bigger than my sense of love.

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