Chapter 2

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I turned around to look at the culprit. Jessica stopped the music instantly, and everyone tuned to look at us. When suddenly he shouted loudly, "Food Fight!" In no time food was being throw everywhere. It was a mess,however much I hated him for doing this and staring camp this way I still began throwing food. I threw food at his face we both laughed. Food was flying everyone until Louisa burst into the dinning room and rang the big old bell. Everyone became silent. This was bad. Louisa yelled, "Enough! What is going on here? What is the matter with you children. Everyone will stay back and help clean this place. No one leaves. Who started this?" Everyone's faces tuned to us. Louisa shook her head, she sighed, "You two come with me. I did not expect this from you both. I am highly disappointed." She walked away from the dinning room and lead us to Uncle Travis' office. I was in trouble.

Uncle Travis looked up and then laughed and said, "Both of you are here again I see." I didnt understand by what he meant by 'again' but Louisa clearly did and smiled softly. She then left the room.
Uncle Travis said, "What did you two do? Do you even know each other." I began but I was cut off by Mr. Know-it-all. He began, "Oh Travis, I was walking and I fell and my plate filled with spaghetti flew and landed on this 'chick'. Before I could do anything some kid yelled Food Fight." I cut him off and began talking at the same time. He was lying. He laughed at me. Travis banged his hands on the table and then told us both to knock it off and sit down. He asked me to begin. I told him the story from the beginning and then he then asked the guy next to me to continue. Travis then told him not to lie and giving up he signed and told him he just wanted to have fun and so yelled that. He then continued by saying, " Camp is all about having fun. This control freak chick- almost killed me until I yelled Food Fight. She is blaming me but the truth is she threw food at me herself!"
After a long silence,Uncle Travis, then sat straight up and looked at me and asked, "Do you know who 'He' is." I looked up and said, "No but do I have to know about him." He glared at me as he didn't appreciate my smart comment and said, "Brook meet your co-leader and childhood friend Hunter Skills. Hunter meet Brook Davis." This couldn't happen. I opened my mouth to talk when Hunter said, " Am I being punished cause I can't work with her. She scares me, she doesn't know how to have fun and is a control freak. I can't deal with her." I scoffed and looked at him, " Excuse me? You can't deal with me ? I can't deal with you. He is completely irresponsible. I obviously have more experience and he is disrespectful he called me some chick. I know the rules and I follow them." He then turned to look at me and said, "Rules are made so they can be broken."
A bang echoed through the room. Uncle had banged his hands on the table trying to get our attention. "Enough! What is the matter with you two? I never expected such disrespect and irresponsibility from you both. I have been meaning to tell you this. Hear me patiently and quietly. You both are not only working together but are going to be roommates. This was decided before. Brook don't" he said. I closed my mouth tightly and Hunter rolled his eyes. I scoffed at him and waited for Uncle to continue.
He stared at us sharply and we both looked down looking at our feet. "Jessica is going to be living with Jack that is your best friend Hunter. They have agreed and so have their parents which leaves you two to pair up. Now I want no arguing. Go help clean up, here is your room key. Have fun and don't cause any problems" he said. Jessica was not going to be in my room and she didn't even care to inform me. I was going to talk to her about it until I noticed the shock on Hunter's face as well and realised hat he didn't know Jack wasn't going to be living with him.Uncle must have told them not to tell us I assumed.I was going to grab the key but Hunter has already got his hands on it first. He whistled as he walked till the door. When he reached the door he waved to Uncle and winked at me and said, "See you roomie."
After he walked out I looked at Uncle with pleading eyes. "Oh uncle was there no other solution. This is my last camp!" I said. Uncle looked at me and said, "It's his last camp as well. He is not that bad. Don't forget you both used to be childhood friends. You both would love each other and play all day and never let each other go. At the end of the day you would fight to be separated and on the last day you both cried to be going home unlike the other kids who would go home happily.I'm sure you both will find something in common again." I sighed and let it go I knew trying more wasn't going to help. I then looked at Uncle and said, "How do I not remember all my childhood camps. I know I've been here since I was a kid but I dont remember anything from that camp or who this Hunter guy is ...." Uncle looked at me, he then said, "That's a story for another time. You may not remember him but he surely remembers you even though he acts like he doesn't.." I walked out of the door and into the dinning room. The recent events playing over and over in my head. Who was Hunter Skills and why was I so close to him? Why couldn't I remember anything? Did he remember me? Did he find me cute? All those questions filled my thoughts and I didn't even know why these questions affected me so much. All I know is he was a big part of my life once and now it was all gone.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 18, 2018 ⏰

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