Chapter Two

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Two days had passed, since Junhui talked to his new crush. He had no intention of talking to him again until he at least knew how to ask for his name and stuff like that. Plus, he was still recovering from his embaresment of not realizing he was deaf. Like, it wasn't Junhui's fault that he didn't know about it, but he just felt like he was extreamly rude. Whatever, he can just blame it on his friends. They seemed to know all about him the other day.

The blond finished that paper for Mingyu in about three hours. Ended up staying up till two am, and regretting that horribly the next morning. He always tried his best to sleep early on school nights so he wouldn't be a zombie when he went to school. He still had a somewhat look to uphold, and he didn't wanna taint it by looking like he was dead. Inside and out.

He drank maybe four cups of coffee that morning, but it didn't succeed in waking him up. He should have just done the paper when Mingyu asked him the first time. After all, the brunette was nice enough to take the harder part of the project for Junhui, seeing as he was struggling lately with keeping up with his homework and stuff. But taking the harder part didn't help either. Junhui was truly screwed, liking this boy.

Friday was supposed to be the highlight of everyone's week right? It was finally that day where normal High school students could go and get wasted with their friends. Maybe do some legal stuff and not get arrested, like Junhui would prefer, but it seemed that he was doing none of thoes for the whole weekend.

His little brother brought some cough home from school and gave it to Junhui. It wasn't super bad, just his throat hurt and it was really dry, which still sucked because that wasn't bad enough for his mom to let him stay home for the day. She made him go to school anyway. Though, to keep him from giving it to others, he wore a mask, just in case. Which worked in two ways because walking to school it was cold and the mask kept his nose warm.

First period of the day was always the worst for three reasons. One being it was too early and Junhui wasn't feeling good at the moment. Two being that he hated some of the students he had this class with and three it was Algebra. Now, he was phenomenal at this class, but being as he thought it boring and he was feeling like a pile of crap right now.

Luckily he had two of his friends in first period so he could talk to them if he got bored. Or he could just sleep and ask them for notes later. Obviously, Junhui never slept in any of his classes, but he wasn't feeling up to anything today.

"You look like death took a shit on your soul," Joshua noted casually, making Junhui look up at him from his desk.

Class hadn't really started yet. Some people were still eating and the bell hasn't rung, so they could talk for a while.

Junhui just nodded and shrugged, "I feel like he did.

"Well, what happened?" He asked, voice having concern.

A sigh escaped his mouth as he laid his head back onto his backpack, eyes darting to the door as more students started comming in.

"To start," Junhui hummed. "I haven't been getting as much sleep as I would like. School is stressing me. Sign language is alot harder than I remember and on top of that, my brother got me sick."

Joshua's lips pulled into a sympathetic smile as he leaned over and pats his friends back. "So just try and relax, tomorrow and Sunday, yeah? Worry about learning more of it when you feel better. He's here for the rest if the year."

Junhui whined. "But I wanna talk to him now."

Joshua rolled his eyes at his friend and sat back in his own seat, the teacher now entering the classroom as the bell rang. "I can gurentee he won't wanna talk to you if you look like a dead frog."

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