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I was currently sat in Micheal Coles locker room getting a lecture for the better half of an hour, he was stressed out with the royal rumble being three weeks away. Now normally I wouldn't be to bothered ,but I had promised Nikki and Brie I would meet them for lunch. And with the rate Michael was ranting I was going to be late.

My names Sophia Bennett I've been working with the WWE for just over a month , each episode of raw or any live show he'd been giving me the same run down. I've been a fan of wrestling for as long as I can remember, this whole experience has been a dream come true and if Micheal Cole thinks I'm going to screw it up then he has another thing coming.

This job can be tiring , draining and very tedious at times, but I loved it and wouldn't dream of changing. At first my parents weren't too happy with me being out of the country for work , but they soon realised with some encouragement from my older two siblings that this is what I wanted to do and they had to support me. Being so far from London was hard , I missed my spare bedroom full novels, from true classic and new found masterpieces. I missed the cold weather and our silly excuse for what passes for summer. My father's family game night , my mother's constant fussing and the obvious siblings rivalry. But mostly I missed Brendon , Brendon was of average hight with blond short hair combed over leaving just a little length on top, he is just two years older than me and lawyer for some big firm.

Brendon and I have been together for a long time around five years , I was twenty when we got together now I'm twenty five and my mum still has stick up her arse about him. Mum doesn't like Brendon says there's something off about him, dad keeps telling she's just being paranoid but she won't have it . after all there's no telling mum once she made up her mind it's set in stone. Dad on the other hand loves him , they talk about football ( soccer) and drink exspensive whiskey. They sit and read news together , dad even takes Brendon golfing. honestly sometimes i think he's my dad's boyfriend not mine.

Though lately we seemed to growing apart , we fight much more. Before we barely had a single fight, Meg (Megan ) says we're just going through a ruff patch. It's not like we're having different arguments it always the same one , Brendon believes I'm going to cheat on him with some dim bodybuilding Cunt who hasn't worked a proper day in his life. His words not mine , no matter hard I try to tell him I won't and I only have eyes for him. Next week the company's in London for Raw and in Manchester for Smackdown , I promised him we could meet up and talk things through and just have time for us. I don't know how much good it'll do mind you , but I have to try.

Checking the clock it was ten past twelve and I was late for lunch and Michael had started up his whining some more  but luckily for me, my phones pinged signaling I had a message.

* Hey Girl you're late for lunch where you at xx * _ breezy Bella it was brie on our group chat.

*Hey breezy, I know Michael's been lecturing me for the better part of an hour. And I think he's still got a lot left in him. Xx I texted back Fastly before the middle aged stress pot saw.

*Ugh I sware babe you need to tell Cole  fuck off , were coming to get you with lana. See you in a few xxx * _ Nikki the Tits Bella. I signed great fully and laughed at her name in my phone  remembering the day she put her number in my phone.

" Will you take this seriously , I understand your young and want time to check that facegram or whatever it's called but please pay attention. " Michael said just before he jumped out of Armani suit, when the locker room door slammed open.

" Hey Stooge, look were taking our girl and having lunch" Nikki said looking up down at a flustered Micheal cole. Lana grabbed my handbag , when brie linked my arm and pulled me towards the door.

the KingSlayer's girl ( Book 2 Of 3 ) Where stories live. Discover now