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Seth Rollins P.O.V

my eyes fluttered open and I closed them instantly allowing my eye to adjust to the flecks if light seeping through my lids . My head was pounding almost like I was concust and my ribs felt like they were on fire. Not to mention the spasms shooting through my neck. A faint beeping sound flooded my ears and new instantly were I was., In a hospital somewhere in new Jersey. Forcing myself to open my eyes i scanned the room. Dean was asleep in the far corner with Kenzie in his lap, a hugh gash on his head that weaped a little with crusted blood surrounding the wound . Roman sat by the bed sliping in and out if sleep , his t-shirt riding up revealing white bandages.
Frowning when it came to me why we were in this position.

" Ugh " I moaned in pain waking up the big dog.

" Hey man , loony toons wake up " Roman said throwing a ball of paper at Dean.

Dean sat up from his slouched position causing Kenzie to stir in her sleep. " Hey man , finally woke up I see."

" yeah , your head looks worse now you've sat up, what happened I'm a little foggy." I said my vision a little better but still blurry firm the lack of glasses .

" Oh this nothing you should see doll face ,Bro I expect you to be foggy Lesner Fucking Germand you till you were out of it." Dean said rubbing his eyes free from sleep.

" This all my flaut , is she okay I have to  see her " I tried to sit up  but a large Somoan hand pushed me back down.

" Sorry man but your going anywhere docs Orders , look you have a serve Concussion and about six broken Ribs" I narrowed my eyes looking at the foot of my bed .

" Bro you're fucking lucky it wasn't any worse , lab coat said the bastard could've broken your neck and ended your career." I rolled my eyes at my brother sometimes he could over exaggerate.

" Don't your roll your fucking eyes at me , we were worried about ya. And don't think we haven't been fucking  warned." Roman chuckled at Dean .

" He's right man , Vince practically tore me a new one and I don't think I've ever seen Kenzie that conflicted before. I didn't know if she wanted to slap Loony toons or jump his bones ." Laughter ripped through the room startling Mackenzie awake .

" Oh thank the god your awake. What are you laughing at " kenize asked looking at Dean the way I want someone look at me.

" The big guy was telling Seth how conflicted your were , whilst you were fucking yelling at your poor sick boyfriend, princess" Dean smriked making Kenzie's now red face.

" Don't start , and you , you scared me half to death do you know that. If you ever and I mean ever do something that stupid again, I will personally send you to hell myself. " She said looking at me.

" Yes ma'am" I nodded feeling slightly frightened .

" Good , no if you excuse me I'm going to see if Bella's had heard anything about Sophia's condition." I waited for her to leave before I made my brother's spill whatever they new.

" What happened last night after I got my arse handed to me "

" Bro , Lesner F fived Sophia outside the ring. Her head bounced around on the steel steps, he Broke her wrist that's all we know " Dean said looking at me then standing up obviously going to get the doctor.

" Look man , this isn't your fault and before you deny what your thinking I know you like the back of my own hand . And I know from the look on your face that your blaming yourself, and if Dean seems edgey it's just because he was worried about you " Roman said putting his had on my shoulder .

the KingSlayer's girl ( Book 2 Of 3 ) Where stories live. Discover now