Tape 0

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Tape 0

" The tape. The tape, I was scared to do. The tape that is the most complex and the one that I finally decided to make for you to see how my life turned to shit.

If you want to know what I'm talking about go to the location with the butterfly sticker. It's a special place where I go when I'm sad, that maybe when you are sad you'll go there.

So if you're there,go see the little butterfly of Liberty. Did you guess who it's?

Gwendolyn Maya Moore AKA Gwen, aka everyone's little ray of sunshine. To add to the list you are Jeff girlfriend even when he died. It's ironic how yours and Jeff fate collide. Gweny, this is your tape.

Gwen, you were everybody's friend. You never saw the bad side in people only the good. That's probably the cause of your downfall. Everybody at school loved you, even now. Even if you were only 5ft tall, you always bring joy to every day of school. Still for a reason, that I don't know who always been with me threw tick and thin. You're a butterfly that I cut her wings.

Back to the 'why', I'm sure you're all questioning yourself why does SHE has to do with all of this. I'll go straight for the point, I was jealous of you, Gwen. Your smile. Your body. Your relations with other persons. Everything. Even your love for flowers and butterflies.

The first time, I saw you, Gweny, was brief. You were laughing with a boy that I can identify as Jeff, about I don't know what, in front of my house. Back then I didn't know you. I don't even think you notice me.

The second time was at Crestmont. You were with two other guys: Justin and Zach. I also saw you running away from them for who knows what the reason...

Gwendolyn was running towards Crestmont to buy the tickets before her two friends.
"Come on Gwen, give up!" yelled Justin from afar.
"No way, I'm watching that movie" respond Gwen, who was running away from Justin and Zach who were actually close of catching her.
"Get back here Gwendo!" Zach said, he was getting closer to her and caught her by the waist and spun her around "Told you, we would catch you"

At that time, it wasn't me who was working at the guichet, I was actually working at the candy stand. I remember you, because of your tattoo at your wrist, when you bought popcorn.. It was a blue butterfly and under it said 'Fly free'.

"Ha! Ha! Ha! Really funny! Well you win and I'm going home." Said the smallest person of the trio.
"No. No. Nono. You are coming with us like it or not. And we're watching that movie" scolded Justin to Gwen.
"About no!!! Could you please let me go Zach. Pretty please" beg Gwen.
"Yeah! No! Now let's go." Zach answered while still holding Gwen waist with his two arms for making sure she doesn't escape.

After buying the tickets, Gwen decided to buy something to eat.
"Hi! Can I get a medium bag of popcorn, please." Said Gwen in a nice voice.
"Sure..." said Hannah
"You're new here right" asked the tattoo girl.
"Yeah!" Answered Hannah and added "Here you go!"
"Gwen, come on!" Yelled Justin from afar.
"Thank you! Here keep the change!" Said Gwen
"Your welcome!"

You see G, I always envy you for been so nice to people even when there mean. Two weeks after that, you came to Kat goodbye party. This time, you came with Jeff. Even though you and her were merely basic friends, she told me you were one of the nicest person on earth damn she was right. Also she was right about you and Jeff. And like I said, I remembered you because of your tattoo.

"Oh my God! You two came!" Said an enthousiaste Kat as Jeff and Gwen entered the house.
"Oh! Hey Kat, what up!"Said G as Kat spun around her left arm around her.
"Hannah this is Jeff and Gwen aka the cutest couple of school."

At the time, I didn't know how much you meant to me. I only knew when that thing happened. First day of school, you didn't hesitate to come to greet me.

Hannah was walking alone to school. When Gwen appeared from the other side of the road.
"Hi! Your Hannah right?" Said Gwen who just appeared out of nowhere.
"Yeah! And you're Gwen?" Answered Hannah.
"Yep! That's me." Said Gwen in a enthusiasm voice.

When Justin posted that photo, you didn't judge me and you never left my side. But when Jess and Alex turned there back on me, I was the one who rejected your friendship because I thought you were the same as them.

"Hannah! Hannah wait!" Said Gwen, who was running after Hannah, threw the cafeteria.
"Leave me alone Gwen. Your the same has the rest of them. Jessica. Alex. Justin. Everyone." Yelled Hannah for making Gwen go away. "You say there your friends, so why do you have to follow me."
"Because if I was the same as them, I wouldn't make friends with you. But I want to." Respond Gwen when both of them stop in the middle of the cafeteria.
"Well I don't want to be your friend anymore. You just want to be friends with me to make me feel 'good'. You're a real BITCH." Said Hannah and finished by yelling and slapping Gwen. She then turned her back to Gwen and left the cafeteria.
Gwen stood frozen and touched her cheek. Nobody ever hit her or whatever. When she woke from her trans. She turned to the rest of the cafeteria, who watched the entire scene, especially her usual table where she sit. And then Gweny yelled "Show over people!!" She then went to the library where was Jeff.

I soon learned that you are a person that is easily filled with guilt. Also that Jeff was always your anchor no matter what happen. And that you both loved each other to the fullest and that I was jealous of that. Terribly jealous.

After that incident, you tried and tried to talk to me. You even texted me a million of messages, but I didn't had the courage of blocking your number.

You see Gweny, I blame myself for your death you didn't deserve to die. You die because of me because I was the one that made you have this 'accident'. And I only realized it the day where almost everybody from school went to the funeral. I was even surprised that everyone that I mentioned and will be mentioning where there at the same spot, at the same place. And not to mention that your parents carved a big butterfly in your grave stone.

At school nothing was the same, there was a memorial that lasted 3 weeks. Flowers. Cards. Candles. Even butterfly that were hand-made or buy. Nobody ever realized that the reason of your death was none other than me. Jeff, him only came back at school 2 weeks after your funeral. He wasn't the joyful guy that I knew. He was sad, depressed and heartbroken. Sometimes, I would follow him after school to find you what he's doing. He was always heading for the cemetery to your grave. Where he would stay for hours until the sun comes down. When he had that car accident.

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