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"Hey, it's Hanna. Hanna Baker. That's right, don't adjust your.. whatever device you're listening to this on. It's me, live and in stereo. No return engagements, no encore, and this time; absolutely no requests. Get a snack. Settle in, because i'm about to tell you the story of my life. More specifically; why my life ended, and if you're listening to this tape, you're one of the reasons why."

•Justin Foley•
"You were the beginning of the end." 

•Jessica Davis•
"You have no idea what you did, do you?" 

•Alex Standall•
"If you could, would you take it back?" 

•Gwen Moore•
"You're a butterfly that I cut her wings."

•Tyler Down•
"I'll never know why you did what you did."

•Courtney Crimson•
"You were just so sweet, right? Wrong." 

•Marcus Cole•
"Did you just want to see if the rumours were true?"

•Zach Dempsey•
"Did you do it on a dare?" 

•Ryan Shaver•
"Did you try to be cruel, or did it just come naturally?" 

•Sheri Holland•
"How do you live with yourself?" 

•Clay Jensen•
"You couldn't save me." 

•Bryce Walker•
"Could a person be that sick?"


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